Gold Member
Dear boss, I know that tomorrow is my last day and that the au pair who arrived last week to replace me is settling in well and is very nice, but please stop treating me like a skivvy who is here to do all the crap jobs while the new girl gets the nice jobs after all she will have to do both when I've gone! As you well know, she only speaks basic English and as you have trouble communicating with her don't you think I also have the same trouble and therefore leaving me a list of things to sort out for her stay (all of which I need various bits of her paperwork to do and when I ask for them I get a vague look in response!) was not a good move. Surely as she lives with you now, you could take a bit of time over the weekend to sort these things with her?! Sincerely your peed off nanny sadly very much looking forward to leaving tomorrow- thanks for making my last week with your family rubbish 
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