L F , read and ran at 3 am, so am replying now. She's jealous of you and all you have achieved. you are are an inspiration to many so don't let this person put you off going to class,I take it the consultant is a good one or you wouldnt be staying at her class. Stick with it hold your head up and stand proud,VERY PROUD.:bighug:
ps is it in the Echo or a paper from over the water? I will look out for it and say to everyone at my class I know this lady!!:read:
GO TANYAarty0011:
Well boo sucks to her! You rock and we love you! So ignore her. You know how proud we all are of you, and Julie thinks you're ace!
And it's your birthday yeyyyyyyyyyy xxxx love ya xxxx
Ps ignore her catty comments, and just do the media story anywayxx
I also read and ran at silly am and planned to come back an comment!
This silly woman sounds jealous, insecure and immature to me. Who needs her! Your losing weight for YOU not for her and you have done amazingly and I think you sound fabulous and inspiring!
Remember you joined slimming world for yourself and you should be proud of your achievements. I'm sure all the people from your class would be gutted if you left because I bet you inspire them and I bet they value the input of someone who has done so well.
And if you give us this women's name we will all send anonymous complaints to slimming world HEad office to say she isnt embodying the slimming world ethos and she needs a good slap lol.
Congratulations on your amazing weight loss journey.
X x x
Flutterby I agree with all of the above and surely to be a team manager you need to be supportive, can you have a word with your C and tell her how you feel? Maybe this women is so in awe of you she doesn't know what to say!! Don't give up going as once you get to target its free to go and from what lots of target members said last night, that's when they needed to go to group as its harder to stay within target and easy to put it back on if you're not keeping an eye on it.
Wow, what a silly cow! Your achievement is absolutely incredible, I wouldn't waste any time on worrying about a petty little person like that. 9st, that is amazing! Well done!!!
Happy birthday @-}--
Happy Birthday!!! Have pmed you x
From me too!!!!
9 stones wowwwwwzer! That's nearly a whole leapfrog! Have a great birthday and give the SW bird the bird![]()
Firstly, happy birthday.
Secondly, well done on losing 9st. Amazing.
Thirdly, by "manager" do you mean your consultants boss or just someone on their social team? I'm unclear why the consultants boss would be doing the weigh-ins for their group. ?
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LittleFlutterby said:Dear SW team manager,
What is your problem with me? It's pretty evident you don't like me and I struggle to see why!
When you weighed me in January and I did enough to get my 7 stone award, I didn't even receive a "well done" from you. When I posted on my consultant's fb group about getting my 9 stone award, you didn't say anything. But another member posts tonight that they get their 2 stone award and you're congratulating them and saying how much of an inspiration they are!
When I get my weight loss story in the paper- and when my C posted that she was looking forward to reading it (in her fb group) all you could say was "how does the Slimming World advert look?"
You know what? You are putting me off Slimming World altogether. The fear I have of bumping into you is so much that I don't even want to go to my group- just in case!
I have less than 10lb to target- I may just get there and stick to doing it on my own- I can't be dealing with it- my mental health is already mega fragile as it is- I can't cope with any more upset!
I'm sure you'll be glad to know this- and I'm sure you'll be glad to know that I won't bother with any more media attention in regards to my story- since all that matters is the actual advert and NOT my story!
LittleFlutterby said:Yes- she's J's boss- but the both of them are good friends- so if J needs someone to take money or do weighing, she'll come over and step in. So she does turn up to different groups on occasion.
Dear mum sat on my sofa...
You phoned earlier & asked what I was doing today. I told you I had a busy day planned & I'd talk later, that did not mean turn up at my house anyway & moan coz I'm trying to do stuff! Don't then say 'why did you invite me if you haven't time to talk?!?' WTF I never invited you, I went out of my way to say I'm busy!!! you sat here all day Saturday & all afternoon yesterday too, Is there any wonder I've nowt to say... Please go home!!
supergran52 said:It's the opposite for me. I can't get my mum to come to our house unless it's for a special meal. She always expects me to visit her and sit there like a lemon just chatting. If she came tome I could still chat but be ironing or cooking to catchup. Sometimes I think she forgets that me and my sister both work, have families to look after etc.then she moans she is lonely but won't do anything about it.
ColJack said:Dear kingleds colleague,
Please go to your doctors asap, and get a second opinion while you're there too just to be certain.
A colleague of mine at work got a call earlier saying that his 34 year old friend had just passed away from pneumonia that was misdiagnosed by his gp as a symptom / side effect of his depression.
By the time he was coughing up blood and went to the ER on wednesday it was too late to save him.
So please ALL of you, if you get a persistent cough then go get it checked.
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hendopig said:My dads been going to the drs for 2 years saying he feels ill, not right, in pain etc. just kept getting told to take painkillers. He went to drs 4 times in 2 weeks because he could barely move - still no tests, think they just viewed him as an irritating patient. Went again a few weeks ago with pain in his ribs, dr thought it was pneumonia so took action and got a chest xray done but he's actually got stage 4 advanced cancer of the kidney, bones and lung and there's nothing they can do but try to control the pain he's in until the 'end'. Our GP sucks. My dad just turned 52.
My dads been going to the drs for 2 years saying he feels ill, not right, in pain etc. just kept getting told to take painkillers. He went to drs 4 times in 2 weeks because he could barely move - still no tests, think they just viewed him as an irritating patient. Went again a few weeks ago with pain in his ribs, dr thought it was pneumonia so took action and got a chest xray done but he's actually got stage 4 advanced cancer of the kidney, bones and lung and there's nothing they can do but try to control the pain he's in until the 'end'. Our GP sucks. My dad just turned 52.
hendopig said:My dads been going to the drs for 2 years saying he feels ill, not right, in pain etc. just kept getting told to take painkillers. He went to drs 4 times in 2 weeks because he could barely move - still no tests, think they just viewed him as an irritating patient. Went again a few weeks ago with pain in his ribs, dr thought it was pneumonia so took action and got a chest xray done but he's actually got stage 4 advanced cancer of the kidney, bones and lung and there's nothing they can do but try to control the pain he's in until the 'end'. Our GP sucks. My dad just turned 52.
hendopig said:My dads been going to the drs for 2 years saying he feels ill, not right, in pain etc. just kept getting told to take painkillers. He went to drs 4 times in 2 weeks because he could barely move - still no tests, think they just viewed him as an irritating patient. Went again a few weeks ago with pain in his ribs, dr thought it was pneumonia so took action and got a chest xray done but he's actually got stage 4 advanced cancer of the kidney, bones and lung and there's nothing they can do but try to control the pain he's in until the 'end'. Our GP sucks. My dad just turned 52.
hendopig said:My dads been going to the drs for 2 years saying he feels ill, not right, in pain etc. just kept getting told to take painkillers. He went to drs 4 times in 2 weeks because he could barely move - still no tests, think they just viewed him as an irritating patient. Went again a few weeks ago with pain in his ribs, dr thought it was pneumonia so took action and got a chest xray done but he's actually got stage 4 advanced cancer of the kidney, bones and lung and there's nothing they can do but try to control the pain he's in until the 'end'. Our GP sucks. My dad just turned 52.