Unthoughtful people!

**punk*~*star** said:
She is an awesome little signer! Am so proud of how she has taken to it... For example I put her coat on this morning (Tuesday is nursery day) she signed 'going bus shopping' and when I shook my head she signed 'going bus nursery play!' & when I nodded she signed 'ok' & climbed in pram

She will probably be BSL only as she is profoundly deaf in both ears due to no auditory nerves or cochleas developing when I was pregnant with her so the fact she is taking to it so well gives me hope shes going to be fine in the future x

I would be proud mama aswel my mum is a nursery teacher and has children at 3 and 4 who can barely talk and still wear nappies, she says can you move to Anglesey so she can teach your little girl please lol she said that signing at 2 is amazing and that can only come from attentive parenting :)

Sounds like she will have no problems at all in the future, you might struggle to keep up though if she continues to advance so quickly you will have a mini genius!

X x x
ColJack said:
She's like any other 2 year old. They learn to communicate in whatever language they have available to them.
If you only spoke to a two year old in Latin then that's what they'd learn to speak back to you.
You can also teach kids to read before they can speak if you show flash cards with the words on as you say the word and point to the object.
It's all just creating connections in the brain.

Sent from my iPod touch using MiniMins

Not all 2 year olds can speak, nurseries are seeing more and more children aged 3 and 4 who only have a handful of words in their vocabulary.
Mummy2Bslim said:
I would be proud mama aswel my mum is a nursery teacher and has children at 3 and 4 who can barely talk and still wear nappies, she says can you move to Anglesey so she can teach your little girl please lol she said that signing at 2 is amazing and that can only come from attentive parenting :)

Sounds like she will have no problems at all in the future, you might struggle to keep up though if she continues to advance so quickly you will have a mini genius!

X x x

Lol yeah I am pretty concerned that she going to speed past me but I'll do everything I can to keep up with her x
Mummy2Bslim said:
Not all 2 year olds can speak, nurseries are seeing more and more children aged 3 and 4 who only have a handful of words in their vocabulary.

I agree that not all can speak but it's not because they aren't capable.
Oops pressed send before finished.

It all depends on how much time parents are prepared to invest. Some 2 year olds I have come across over the years can hold really decent conversations with a wide range of vocabulary and then like you said 3,4 and sometimes even 5 year olds can barely string 2 words together.
Given that the "nanny in the corner" does a lot of the teaching to kids these days its hardly surprising.
They seem to have dumbed down even the kiddies programs.
Ok, we had POB who didn't speak well but teletubbies is just incomprehensible most of the time.

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breeza said:
Oops pressed send before finished.

It all depends on how much time parents are prepared to invest. Some 2 year olds I have come across over the years can hold really decent conversations with a wide range of vocabulary and then like you said 3,4 and sometimes even 5 year olds can barely string 2 words together.

Oh I know I fully blame the parents, I know one girl who has 3 children by 3 men and a 4th by a 4th on the way and her children were at my mums nursery and I don't think she has ever spent a full day with them and dumps them on her elderly mother none of them can speak well but I have another friend with five children and all could speak perfectly by nursery. It's all down to the parents and with so many children being born to children in this area the children coming to nurseries are not being given the time needed from them to develop the same skills we had when we were nursery age ( obviously not all young parents just some and I don't mean to offend anyone it's just a general statement)

X x x
I work in a nursery and we learned some basic sign language a while ago for a child with some speech and learning difficulties - but when he left we stopped using it and it definitely fades when you don't use it all the time, which is disappointing as I've always really wanted to be able to sign properly. Have considered a course but can't usually afford it whenever I spot the opportunity.

Also, in regards to children not being able to talk properly as they get to 2, 3, 4 - we've seen this too. Of course a lot of it is down to the parent's input but I think it's unfair to pass all the blame to them. Of course occasionally it IS just down to the parents being lazy and not spending enough time with them/helping them, but often there are other problems/circumstances contributing - and a lot of the time it's just that the children are a little slower at picking it up than their friends. Of course guidelines for development etc are there for a reason and it's important to notice any major problems but I think it's also important to remember sometimes that they're all individuals who will learn at their own pace.
I was one if those kids who didn't speak until I was 4 and I can assure you it wasn't because my parents were lazy - I was the lazy one lol. My older sister would talk for me so I'd just point or say one word. After my first day in school my Mother picked me up and I asked 'Is Rainbow on telly today?' & started speaking like a 'typical' four year old. My mum was speechless lol.
For everyone that has slated parents for not 'putting in enough time' with their kids and that's why so many are not speaking by a certain age should really look more into other factors out there. I have 3 children. My oldest and youngest have had no issues with their speech but my middle one has delayed speech and has only in the past 3 - 4 months started talking. He has a really wide range of words now but he still finds it hard. Is this my fault? Nope! It's how he is, he has other quirks too, but he is a happy and healthy boy.
parfittaroles said:
I was one if those kids who didn't speak until I was 4 and I can assure you it wasn't because my parents were lazy - I was the lazy one lol. My older sister would talk for me so I'd just point or say one word. After my first day in school my Mother picked me up and I asked 'Is Rainbow on telly today?' & started speaking like a 'typical' four year old. My mum was speechless lol.

It's well documented that children with older siblings in close age often don't tend to speak early or well because the older child speak for them!
My son 2nd child, at 2 1/2 had a massive vocabulary and gabbled, so much so that one mum (4 kids and childminder) said she thought I ought to have a word to the HV, panicking (because of my deafness), I got his hearing checked, before she'd tested him the nurse says 'I know he's going to be fine, his vocabulary is so big he's trying to say too much at once without learning how to say it properly first), and sure enough his hearing test was fine.
Listening later I noticed that other kids his age would say 'Bus!' or 'flower' Sam would say 'Big red bus' or 'little yellow flower'!!!
I looked after a little boy for the day same age as Sam and I could see the difference.
The most noticeable thing was the numbers, Sam pointed and said 'look two ladders' the other boy said 'Ladder! And another one!!'

Hark at me all proud mummy!!!
Mummy2Bslim said:
Dear assistant manager,

I'm pretty sure the attitude you've taken towards me, my contract and my hours since I fell pregnant is illegal. If you can't provide my full hours or a safe risk free place to work you have to suspend me on full pay due to health and safety, I do not take kindly to being threatened with "you either cut you contracted hours, use holidays to cover it or we will sack you" just because it worked on another pregnant girl and she cut her contract doesn't mean it will work on me - play nice or I will sue the company my best friend is a solicitor who specialised in employment law!

Also no I will not work 24 hour shifts and do sleep ins when I am 7 and 8 months pregnant its obscene for you to expect that from me. As my employer you have to risk assess my hours and night shifts at the moment your not looking after the health of me or my unborn child!

I could already take you to court after I had a slipped disk from doing manual handling and :eek: you hadn't given me manual handling training ... I wonder who would win!

That's crap!! Good that you know a solicitor though, if not I work for the solicitors regulation board so I'd give you the website to look for one x

ColJack said:
I'm trying to think how to phrase this so I don't offend.

I think that all children should be taught to sign at a young age. And any other languages they might find useful too.
It is after all the best time to learn that kind of stuff, they are learning one language already.
Kids with one English and one French speaking parent grow up bi-lingual etc.

If they were all taught to sign then it would just become second nature.
I wish I knew sign language.
I think I'm going to sign up to a class ( no pun intended. )
The only problem I can see is that I don't know anyone who signs so I wouldn't get much practice at it.

Sent from my iPod touch using MiniMins

I couldn't agree more! My little one really pays attention when mr tumble comes on cbeebies and he copies him! It's nice to know that also nurseries do it, I think they do it at Js nursery too coz he does some funny actions with things whilst singing! It's good to know that they include everyone, as it means little girls like yours punk star don't feel 'abnormal', I apologise for any offence by using that word I can't think if an appropriate word. But you know what I'm saying, it makes her feel she is no different to any other child and they can all communicate and she feels included as part of a team and friends etc.

It's really inspiring how kids adapt to things...especially when nurseries and tv programmes try and publicise it more too nowadays. xxx

Mummy2Bslim said:
I would be proud mama aswel my mum is a nursery teacher and has children at 3 and 4 who can barely talk and still wear nappies, she says can you move to Anglesey so she can teach your little girl please lol she said that signing at 2 is amazing and that can only come from attentive parenting :)

Sounds like she will have no problems at all in the future, you might struggle to keep up though if she continues to advance so quickly you will have a mini genius!

X x x

I agree with that too!! J didn't talk much then as if by magic overnight at just nearly 3 he can ask lots of full sentence questions. He's very inquisitive! Now he can hold a full convo with me, it's brilliant. But you're right too many kids still can't talk or should I communicate clearly like that at his age.

She will be a little genius!!

Anglesey, that's where my bf lives! Small world x
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As I've been partially deaf most of my life I think the best and easiest thing for everyone to do to help deaf people or indeed people who use English as a second language is to learn to look up, look into the eyes of the person you are speaking to, and speak clearly (not shouting), and to be prepared to use different words if the listener doesn't understand you first time. When I worked at the Post Office I had a dozen customers who would only come to my till because they could understand what I said to them.
Really wish Doctors and Opticians understood this, I always tell them, I'm partially deaf, so they OVER E.N.U.N.C.I.A.T.E the first three words and then disappear into their collars! tsk!

God Shirleen, I know exactly what you mean! I am now suddenly totally deaf in one ear, an after-effect of an operation... & the amount of times I ask people to repeat something, & T H E Y R E P E A T I T S L O W L Y, I N A V E R Y L O U D V O I C E, like I am stupid! I now wear a badge with the International Deafness sign, & the words "Speak clearly, Look at me when you speak, Dont shout", and that seems to work. :)

Shops are the worst for me, but not their fault I have to say. Till operators naturally look down at the stuff they are scanning, but also chat happily away with me, leading me to look blankly at them cos I haven't heard them speaking...:(
Really! :) What do you learn? Since having little one I'm desperate to know as much as possible so I can teach her all about her culture and stuff. Have been learning BSL & basic Deaf awareness but apart from that...

Culture, community, education, all sorts :) Uclan have brought out a degree in just BSL since I left. Might be some info on there that is of interest to you, esp links to sites that sign :) (British Sign Language Teacher Training Course - Courses - University of Central Lancashire) x
Dear prospective "clients",
If you book an appointment please arrive at the stated time. If you are going to be late please at least have the decency to ring and let us know that you are going to be late. If you DO lose the ability to use a phone then please be courteous enough to APOLOGISE when you arrive late - the chances are that you are NOT the only person we are planning to see, nor will you be the only one to turn up late / fail to turn up at all!!!

Dear local residents,
We are aware that you are sometimes affected the way people park when they are at our establishment - they are there for 5 minutes AT MOST and we have issued repeated requests to them to be courteous with the way they park. Please note that we have NO CONTROL over the way people drive and, short of standing outside directing people, there is no way that we can rectify the situation if people choose not to listen to us!!!! Threatening us with the residents association and council will neither change the situation or make us feel inclined to continue trying to appease you!

Dear idiots using the road,
When pulling into the required lane to turn right, please move your car ALL THE WAY into the lane. When you are a selfish prat and leave your back end sticking out you cause a problem for the people behind you who are trying to get from a to b with the minimum of stress!!
And similarly, if you are at a roundabout, GIVE WAY TO THE BLOODY RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been a VERY bad day, haha!!!
Also, dear client...

I am not your skivvy, there are 180 people on our system, get a calculator and work out your own sodding costings!!!!
Dear you know who you are

Please don't 'dump' me for your friends and yes by that I mean the one that's my friend too!
bevhunter1986 said:
That's crap!! Good that you know a solicitor though, if not I work for the solicitors regulation board so I'd give you the website to look for one x

I couldn't agree more! My little one really pays attention when mr tumble comes on cbeebies and he copies him! It's nice to know that also nurseries do it, I think they do it at Js nursery too coz he does some funny actions with things whilst singing! It's good to know that they include everyone, as it means little girls like yours punk star don't feel 'abnormal', I apologise for any offence by using that word I can't think if an appropriate word. But you know what I'm saying, it makes her feel she is no different to any other child and they can all communicate and she feels included as part of a team and friends etc.

It's really inspiring how kids adapt to things...especially when nurseries and tv programmes try and publicise it more too nowadays. xxx

I agree with that too!! J didn't talk much then as if by magic overnight at just nearly 3 he can ask lots of full sentence questions. He's very inquisitive! Now he can hold a full convo with me, it's brilliant. But you're right too many kids still can't talk or should I communicate clearly like that at his age.

She will be a little genius!!

Anglesey, that's where my bf lives! Small world x

Thank you and woo small world, from the pic I'm guessing raf valley ?

X x x
Mummy2Bslim said:
Thank you and woo small world, from the pic I'm guessing raf valley ?

X x x

Yep honey just for a little while longer then god only knows where! I like it there but it's a 3 hour drive from where I live, meh! xxx