Operation Hottie Kidnap
Dear head
Please can you do me a huge favour and NOT have a migraine today? It really is the last thing I need right now.
I did try and get an early night last night as I was so tired, but it's not my fault if I kept waking up every hour or so. I promise to try and have another early night tonight and fingers crossed we'll actually get some decent sleep and both you and the rest of me will feel a whole lot better.
the rest of the body
Dear whoever's dog was barking constantly last night until well after midnight
Sort it out!
Yours narkily
Dear Darkness
Please could you do me a huge favour and hold off from getting dark for about an hour once I get home from work today and tomorrow? I really need to load up my car with stuff ready to head to see my parents on Friday evening and it would be so much easier if I wasn't stumbling around in the dark trying to do so. Just an hour both evenings is all I ask.
Please can you do me a huge favour and NOT have a migraine today? It really is the last thing I need right now.
I did try and get an early night last night as I was so tired, but it's not my fault if I kept waking up every hour or so. I promise to try and have another early night tonight and fingers crossed we'll actually get some decent sleep and both you and the rest of me will feel a whole lot better.
the rest of the body
Dear whoever's dog was barking constantly last night until well after midnight
Sort it out!
Yours narkily
Dear Darkness
Please could you do me a huge favour and hold off from getting dark for about an hour once I get home from work today and tomorrow? I really need to load up my car with stuff ready to head to see my parents on Friday evening and it would be so much easier if I wasn't stumbling around in the dark trying to do so. Just an hour both evenings is all I ask.