Silver Member
Dear everyone at work with a birthday coming up,
STOP bringing in yummy cakes and donuts!!! we seem to be averaging a birthday a week now and what with all the Christmas tins of sweets magically appearing my willpower can only take so much! arrggghhh!!! :cry:
yours munching on grapes when I want a big fat donut
Oh this this this! Today is a 'fun day food day' in the team next to mine, so they'll be eating sweets cakes pizzas and indian food all day, it's torture!
My birthday is the end of next week and i'm expected to bring sweets in too... eek
Dear unconcious mind
Please do not make me dream about losing vast amounts the night before WI, don't be getting my hopes up in my sleep only to dash them in the day when it's not possible (unless I had a lung or something removed