mama_mia said:Dear Mister Mia
After many, many, many years together I am glad to say that I still adore you!
Yes, it is peppered with a mild need to (almost) suffocate you as you sleep whilst whispering "follow the light", and/ or put excessive amounts of pepper in your food so that you (almost) choke, but thats just down to hormones.
You really are my world and I love you; especially when you do as you're told...or don' depends on my mood really.
Thank you for Mia...high five, great job!
Mrs Mama x x
Dear oh,
Stop asking me if I'm ok you know I'm upset that I had to take Scamp to his new home tonight and you couldn't come with me. Yes I've been crying yes I'm sad and I miss him so do me a famous p*ss off and leave me alone for a bit because its your fault and I don't want to see your face right now!
A still upset and angry wife who misses Scamp the puppy.
Sent from my HTC Desire using MiniMins x x x
holy moly conlou1.... that is awfulhope your dad gets better soon... I know I would be out for BLOOD if that happened to my wee daddy
Hope karma hits him in the face...hard!!!
Jodieboo said::bighug:
:grouphugg:Dear OH,
I was this size when you met me, I then gained a couple stone and then we got together, I gained another stone and still you said you loved I've lost those 3 stone and I know I still have another 2.5 to go but where'd the love go huh!?
You never make me feel pretty or $exy or wanted or appreciated. You moan when other men look at me at tell me off for wearing too low cut tops or wearing my bag across my chest as it accentuates my boobs yet you don't show any signs of being interested in them yourself. I make the effort with a new outfit and I never get so much as a 'you look nice'. My ex and a couple of my male friends make me feel more desirable than you do and then you wonder why I have male friends and you call them my 'other boyfriends' which just makes me feel bad.
Once in a while it'd be nice if you noted how I do most of the housework and washing/ironing and don't ask for constant praise for it wheras you do two loads of washing, clean a toilet and make out like you've had such a hard day in my absence.
I love you but writting this has made me feel a whole lot better![]()
Tinytootz said:Dear Ex
I realise it has been over a year, and yes, I am 120% over you, period. But why did you have to mess me over so much mentally? Thankfully I have an very understanding partner, who forgives me for my insecurities. But basically, its all kinda your fault. I may forget, but I will never forgive. So I would be dead happy if for Christmas you were bed bound with the squits, and for new year, the other end came into play too.
Tatty bye