Gold Member
Welshtigger said:Ditto-I'm really good at parking too
Me too
Sent from my E15i using MiniMins
Welshtigger said:Ditto-I'm really good at parking too
gettingfitat50 said:I can't reverse park.I wil drive another mile up the road to find a parking space.
Dear Greenwoods lady who has just come round for my partners loan.
While I appreciate the fact that you'r eonly doing your job, I don't appreciate the fact that when somebody turned up at my door.. somebody I didn't know personally, only through Facebook as she was buying some shoes I was selling, I found it very VERY rude that you openly mouthed off at Craig for not having this weeks payment infront of this woman. I'm very VERY embaressed and the lady felt really uncomfortable. I'm sure you're not allowed to discuss stuff like this infront of other people either!
Yours, very embarressed lady!
Dear Service User,
I know I am doing a waking night shift, but please go to sleep! And stop shouting for your wife! I'm here so she can get some sleep! You've had a cuppa, you've watched your tv programs and now its time for you to sleeeeeep!
Thank you please!!!
have you heard of "go the f*** to sleep"? i just got mum to listen to it- maybe make him lol
Dear Service User,
I know I am doing a waking night shift, but please go to sleep! And stop shouting for your wife! I'm here so she can get some sleep! You've had a cuppa, you've watched your tv programs and now its time for you to sleeeeeep!
Thank you please!!!
Shirleen said:At least it's a waking night! sometimes mine gets up at 4 am on a sleep in, and we don't get paid day rate then!
I'm a cruel bugger though and won't engage with him, he gets basic care and minimal conversation, usually he goes back to bed disgusted lol!
Dear Friend,
Please just get on with doing your own thing and let me get on with doing mine. If I've decided to have an alcohol-free January I don't need you to bully / guilt trip me into drinking. I am happy to come to your party this afternoon, but I'll be bringing my own drink and it will be sugar and alcohol free.
Your FB message (And you're telling me you won't drink booze with me this afternoon for fear of gaining lard?! It is a myth that alcohol is fattening. xxx) has already put me on my guard. Like I said to you, my reasons for doing January alcohol free are many and varied and I won't bore you with them. You enjoy your booze and leave me to do my thing and I promise that I'll be quite happy just to have your company. BUT, if you start trying to sway me I will be very, very cross.
Dear husband
how come you can thread a needle with the minutest hole, yet you can't aim in the middle of the loo?
Dear drunk guy who came into work,
I'm sorry your missus left you on xmas day, i understand the need for constant reassurance that you're not ugly, which my colleague gave you, but there was NO need to come up behind me and grab my waist. it took me half an hour to fully calm down. You should be grateful i wasn't stacking bottles because I would have smashed one over your f***ing head!
Dear scallies chased me half way home.
You're w@nkers. Why would you go about tormenting people? Why is it so funny? I wish that people like you would realise that some people have some pretty horrendous pasts and something like what you did would set them back a lot when it comes to progress in fixing their issues.
I'm now dreading going out....I'm petrified![]()
Samprand said:...yes, yessss A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!! seriously, its a massive hole, how is it even possible to miss?
heres an old saying, but serves as a good notice to all men - if you sprinkle when u tinkle, be sweet and wipe the seat![]()