Dear you know who you are friend,
I think my patience with you is wearing thin in 2012, your attitude stinks on a certain subject or person. You sound bitter,twisted ,nasty and it's not becoming. I'm a lovely caring person, and you either forgive and forget or you keep your comments to yourself,because I find them painful. This person has gone through enough and your lack of empathy disgusts me!
Oh and you will be single forever if you think men are on,y good for one thing,once a week, don't deserve a text back when they make an effort. And yes I think he likes you,but no Dear, you're not worth any man wanting to chase you 24/7, especially when you think it's beneath you to chase him back. Men have feelings too you know,and guess what, some want company, not just a jump
And this year, if you even think about asking my Mr to do little jobs in your home without offering him anything ,then think again, 6 years of taking the P, has worn thin. We're sat here broke while you drive round in your new car,watching your Son go abroad from your purse, so you can bloody well pay for stuff you try Wangle out of constantly.
I do care about you, I've gotten rid of most of my other deadwood friends ,just be careful
Phew I feel better now