Unthoughtful people!

I love snow (when it first gets here). It's mentally being about 6 years old- I wanna make snowmen!!! lol
sarah_lou1981 said:
Yeah I know what you mean. I just think that because they know theyre ok they forget about us at home worrying. My ex got stationed in Cyprus for two years too and until he got a mobile he once went two and half week without ringing....even though he passed about ten phone boxes a day!! I wrote him a letter calling.him every name under the sun and stuck a cypriot fiver in it so he had no excuse!! Lol xxx

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dextersmum said:
Thinking of you Bev.........can't begin to imagine what you must be going through. Is always worse for the person just waiting at home and he probably is so busy that he just doesn't realise how many days have passed. xxxxxxx

I know and they've got that Internet as well. Whether he logs on or not is a different matter. Worrying thing is we weren't together long before he went!! :( so maybe he's forgetting about me already!!

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Dear ex best friend

Please stop *****ing about me on Facebook. It happened eight months ago. Get over it. And while we're at it, the comment I made about benefit thieves on Facebook wasnt even about you!! But if the cap fits......I believe you have some health issues, ive never doubted that. But I have the same thing and I still go to work every god damned day and pay my taxes. People who are really ill (like my Dad!!) dont go on about it all the time and would give their right arm to be healthy and able to work whereas you seem to be proud of every 'diagnosis' you get that means you can claim a bit more money. Youve been on and off the sick for a good six years and must have had 12 jobs - none of which youve stuck to for more than four months.

So stop wasting all your time hating me for something that you didnt have the guts to confront me about.

From the person who pays your 'wages'

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It's health and safety and insurance and sometimes its the fact that if the teachers don't leave then they won't get home.

My mum is a teacher and although she works and lives in the same town, some of the teachers travel from near snowdonia and the brecon area where the roads have to close because you will literally slide off the mountain.

But I do think the UK sees snow and panics,

One of my (former) friends is a teacher and her argument was always that the kids had to get picked up early incase the parents couldnt get for them at finishing time because she wasnt a babysitter :eek: dont see why she thought that she was so special she should get away from work at 11am cos there was 3 flakes of snow while the rest of us just get on with it. She never seemed to make allowances for the fact that if the weather was really bad we all get inconvenienced. Oddly enough this is the same person who maintains she never leaves work before 1800 :rolleyes: Sorry love you cant have it both ways ;) Theres a reason we're former friends lol

I do agree though this country seen a wee bit snow and goes into a panic. Other countries get tons more than us and get on with things without the drama!!!
Starlight said:
One of my (former) friends is a teacher and her argument was always that the kids had to get picked up early incase the parents couldnt get for them at finishing time because she wasnt a babysitter :eek: dont see why she thought that she was so special she should get away from work at 11am cos there was 3 flakes of snow while the rest of us just get on with it. She never seemed to make allowances for the fact that if the weather was really bad we all get inconvenienced. Oddly enough this is the same person who maintains she never leaves work before 1800 :rolleyes: Sorry love you cant have it both ways ;) Theres a reason we're former friends lol

I do agree though this country seen a wee bit snow and goes into a panic. Other countries get tons more than us and get on with things without the drama!!!

Don't ever get me started on Teachers! They don't have a clue, in fact none of them should be allowed to teach straight out of Uni, they should have a job with real hours first! As for bleating on that they work past school times, well bully for them, it still doesn't equate with someone on a till in front of customers all day for 8 hours for half the pay!
I won't go on because I'm bound to upset someone.
I don't want the snow. We haven't got it yet here and I really hope we don't. Last year I was driving home from uni for Christmas and the snow started about half an hour into my journey. I was on the A12 and the roads weren't prepared, the snow started coming and my car started swerving. I was really terrified, ended up spinning off the road and into a ditch. I was unhurt, luckily, and my car was fine, but it was really, really scary. Especially sitting in the ditch (my car ended up facing the wrong way up the road) and seeing all these cars and big lorries sliding off the road, thinking they were going to crash into me. I had to get myself back on to the road and crawl pretty much in first gear for ages afterwards.

I know it's probably happened to most people but I've been terrified of driving in those types of conditions since it happened. Luckily, my work isn't far from my house so I can just walk if the snow comes. But I won't drive anywhere. I'm too pathetic.
Shirleen said:
Don't ever get me started on Teachers! They don't have a clue, in fact none of them should be allowed to teach straight out of Uni, they should have a job with real hours first! As for bleating on that they work past school times, well bully for them, it still doesn't equate with someone on a till in front of customers all day for 8 hours for half the pay!
I won't go on because I'm bound to upset someone.

Your right you obviously have no clue of what being a teacher includes. My mum works over 70 hours a week with the teaching hours, planning, marking, paper work - do you think she gets paid for all those hours does she balls!

I would hardly compare the the action of pushing food through a till to the education of our children. I've worked in a supermarket on a till when I was studying for my A levels it doesn't take any brains or any effort it was quite easily the most mind numbing and easy money I've ever made and most of the people I had to work with couldn't tell there ar** from their elbow!
Hmmm though I agree some teachers get a free ride and need to man the hell up and stop moaning I've got friends who are teachers and when they were starting out would regularly be up at 6:30 then still going at 10pm with lesson plans And regularly spend their weekend either prepping for lessons or marking 200+ work books/ exams. Also, we choose our career, we aren't told what we have to do so if ppl want to be teachers it just takes the effort and work to get there (I work in a university so I know there is funding available in particular for those wanting to be teachers after the government was telling everyone to "turn your talent to teaching").

This is just another perspective for consideration :)

Linds x
I work in a supermarket and I'm proud of it because at least I'm working for the money I'm earning. It may not be the most intelligent job in the world but there will always be the need for people that work in shops, and they (we) always get treated like we are somehow worth less for doing so, but really we're the people that just keep everything going. I refuse to be ashamed of my job.

Just saying... :)
ellierose988 said:
I work in a supermarket and I'm proud of it because at least I'm working for the money I'm earning. It may not be the most intelligent job in the world but there will always be the need for people that work in shops, and they (we) always get treated like we are somehow worth less for doing so, but really we're the people that just keep everything going. I refuse to be ashamed of my job.

Just saying... :)

You shouldn't be :) any one who does there job well has no reason to be ashamed, shop assistant or teacher.. We need them all :) xx
Every one should be made to take a snow driving course as part if their driving test requirement.
I'm sure they could set up a course that simulates it like they do with the skid cars.
Hardly anyone knows how to drive in the stuff, like starting off in second gear so that your wheels don't spin, and using gear breaking instead of proper breaks so the wheels don't lock up.

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ellierose988 said:
I don't want the snow. We haven't got it yet here and I really hope we don't. Last year I was driving home from uni for Christmas and the snow started about half an hour into my journey. I was on the A12 and the roads weren't prepared, the snow started coming and my car started swerving. I was really terrified, ended up spinning off the road and into a ditch. I was unhurt, luckily, and my car was fine, but it was really, really scary. Especially sitting in the ditch (my car ended up facing the wrong way up the road) and seeing all these cars and big lorries sliding off the road, thinking they were going to crash into me. I had to get myself back on to the road and crawl pretty much in first gear for ages afterwards.

I know it's probably happened to most people but I've been terrified of driving in those types of conditions since it happened. Luckily, my work isn't far from my house so I can just walk if the snow comes. But I won't drive anywhere. I'm too pathetic.

Ur not pathetic!!!!! Don't ever say that!!! :) Driving on ice is scary stuff!! It depends on road conditions and What type of driver you are. My friends jokingly call me the stig as I use to be nominated driver in snowy situations which is fine cos extra weight in the car helps and though my car has gone sideways in a bush, if mine had gone in a ditch facing on coming traffic who was also skidding I'd be putting on my hiking boots instead!!! So well done u for putting the safety of urself and others 1st and making the effort to go in by foot! :) x
Ive got 2 friends who are teachers and theyre as opposite as can be. J is currently 8 months pregnant and still working and loves her job and her class. She was given Primary 1 this year because shes pregnant the head teacher felt it was less stressful for her with having no marking etc to speak of and she had P1 last year so has all the work plans still to hand. If were meeting for coffee or dinner we meet around 1600 because shes finished work by then. Shes so enthusiastic about her work and is always full of great anecdotes and stories about 'her' children :)

W is also a P1 teacher and claims shes in school every day from 0800 til after 1700 then works at home til 2200/2300. Now Im sorry but this is the 3rd year shes taught primary one how can she need so much preparation? She has 14 kids in her class and moans constantly about how she doesnt always have a classroom assistant. She 'needs' the massive amount of holidays she has every year because shes so exhausted and works so hard. Oh and the rest of us dont?? :mad: she was complaining to my mum about having maths lessons to prepare.. maths? for 4/5 year olds, my niece is in Primary 1 and she can count and thats about as much as shes expected to do.
its got to the stage now weve told W that work is off limits because she does nothing but moan and monopolise the entire conversation all night - and bores the pants of us all too :rolleyes:

Theyre such opposite ends of the spectrum its almost funny.
ColJack said:
Every one should be made to take a snow driving course as part if their driving test requirement.
I'm sure they could set up a course that simulates it like they do with the skid cars.
Hardly anyone knows how to drive in the stuff, like starting off in second gear so that your wheels don't spin, and using gear breaking instead of proper breaks so the wheels don't lock up.

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Actually this is a great idea! The problem with snow in this country is the fact that we have no infrastructure for it, so as soon as we get an inch the country grinds to a halt.. People say it costs too much to prepare for a week of snow, but all the insurance claims, missed work days, closed schools must cost the country a fair whack too..
I for one have no idea how to drive in snow, luckily my OH does and we have a best friend with a land rover if I it gets desperate but if there was a course available I'd definitely take it..
ellierose988 said:
I work in a supermarket and I'm proud of it because at least I'm working for the money I'm earning. It may not be the most intelligent job in the world but there will always be the need for people that work in shops, and they (we) always get treated like we are somehow worth less for doing so, but really we're the people that just keep everything going. I refuse to be ashamed of my job.

Just saying... :)

I never said you should be ashamed - I just said the two jobs can't be compared they require different skills :)

And like I said I used to do it, I just found it very boring and is not something I could do as a career. But that's why people have different perdonality's it would be a boring world if we all did the same job!

I've done a degree and a masters degree and was told should do my pgce so I can teach but seeing all the hard work my mum and best friend put into their teaching jobs I would rather not. Your under paid and under appreciated for what you do in society. Just like nurses, Drs and surgeons are.

Why don't people moan about footballers and their obscene salaries when all they do is kick a ball up and down a field! I don't see them educating our children or saving lives and they get paid more in a week than a teacher, nurse or dr!

X x x
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MissSlinky2011 said:
I never said you should be ashamed - I just said the two jobs can't be compared they require different skills :)

And like I said I used to do it, I just found it very boring and is not something I could do as a career. But that's why people have different perdonality's it would be a boring world if we all did the same job!

I've done a degree and a masters degree and was told should do my pgce so I can teach but seeing all the hard work my mum and best friend put into their teaching jobs I would rather not. Your under paid and under appreciated for what you do in society. Just like nurses, Drs and surgeons are.

Why don't people moan about footballers and their obscene salaries when all they do is kick a ball up and down a field! I don't see them educating our children or saving lives and they get paid more in a week than a teacher, nurse or dr!

X x x

Maybe because they aren't paid through taxpayers money?
I never said you should be ashamed - I just said the two jobs can't be compared they require different skills :)

And like I said I used to do it, I just found it very boring and is not something I could do as a career. But that's why people have different perdonality's it would be a boring world if we all did the same job!

I've done a degree and a masters degree and was told should do my pgce so I can teach but seeing all the hard work my mum and best friend put into their teaching jobs I would rather not. Your under paid and under appreciated for what you do in society. Just like nurses, Drs and surgeons are.

Why don't people moan about footballers and their obscene salaries when all they do is kick a ball up and down a field! I don't see them educating our children or saving lives and they get paid more in a week than a teacher, nurse or dr!

X x x

Yeah, I understand what you're saying, I was just trying to put a different spin on the whole supermarket job thing. :)

I couldn't stay there forever at all, but for the time being I'm proud of what I'm doing.

I do agree with what you said about your mum... my mum is exactly the same but her job is a bit more than just teaching, she has an awful lot of office politics rubbish to deal with, people that can't do their jobs properly and leave her with a lot more to do, etc., and she definitely doesn't come under the lazy teacher category. There are some unfortunately that do, but this must be true of all jobs.
kingleds said:
Maybe because they aren't paid through taxpayers money?

So shall we get rid of teachers and nurses and Drs then? You know because they are paid with tax payers money. You know teachers, Drs and nurses pay tax aswell my mam pays four times as much tax as I do so effectively she pays herself most of her wage!
Your right you obviously have no clue of what being a teacher includes. My mum works over 70 hours a week with the teaching hours, planning, marking, paper work - do you think she gets paid for all those hours does she balls!

I would hardly compare the the action of pushing food through a till to the education of our children. I've worked in a supermarket on a till when I was studying for my A levels it doesn't take any brains or any effort it was quite easily the most mind numbing and easy money I've ever made and most of the people I had to work with couldn't tell there ar** from their elbow!

I was going to explain myself, but it's so not worth it.

But actually, I do have a clue what I'm talking about, but I'm not justifying myself to you, I am entitled to my opinion, as are you. Don't make it personal; I didn't!