Willpower.... where do I find that?!?!?

lil_legs said:
I've just realised I haven't eaten, oops gonna have fish (in breadcrumbs naughty) and salad for tea x

Ur teasing me x
Dinner for CL, luxurious quorn mince and cabbage with cajun spice, topped off with cottage cheese. Found a CD orange bar thing so that was 'pudding.' Taste sensation lol!

so...what did sf say?
Reckons he went home sat cos his eye was fooked - hmm.

Does he text with his eye then!? Wouldnt have killed him to text or call to tell u! 30lashings for him! was he apologetic?
Men!!!! Not sure I'd buy that tho!!!! Sorry just being honest x I could be wrong z
Hmm. Well whether he did or he didn't, a text takes about 3 seconds, its just good manners innit! He owes u big time stylee. Tell him ul give him a matching eye if he does that again! x
lil_legs said:
Yeah I know, I'm taking about half hr to reply to him lol, is it wrong I really don't care? Lol I'm turning into a guy!

No its good!
Im like that with TJ. Except when we r actually having the banter i enjoy it too much. Weird i can just forget him after! X
lil_legs said:
He's hinted he wants to come down but I told him not tonight (this is getting silly I need to give in at some point, because we haven't ahem in a while it feels bit awkward!) lol x

I think its hilarious you have me in giggles u two ate like hollyoaks x
Lol!! 'Ahem' legs u crack me up! You choose the day, maybe wednesday to break up the week? X
lil_legs said:
Hehe, he's sulking now so I've told him he's touchy and left it lol x
Good work. He'll be back. Men want to chase, not to be chased! Even if they dont realise it, its in their makeup-caveman syndrome! X
I shall have a nice bath etc tomorrow and be like a scout and always be prepared, it will happen this week sometime :p x

haha, like ur thinking!
Im becoming a nun. Or none more like! x
It's been a while for me, time to shake of the cobwebs lol!!!

I think he may text like last week "Tuesday best friends??" do u think I should beat him to it and just say it tomorrow? (hell probs say he's busy just to annoy me like I've been doing but then I'll give up lol)
