Had a very busy weekend, or so it feels like it and this week is going to be totally mad!!! Plan is to do my essentials and then get as early nights as possible to keep me going
Week basically goes...
Tues - 9-8pm working - then seeing parents
Wed - 9-5 course - 5-7.30 work - 8-9pm aqua
Thurs - 9-5 course 5-8pm work, get home Sleeeeepppp
Friday - 9-5 course, 5-8 work 8.30-10pm swimming
Sat 9-1 work, 2-6.30pm theatre work, evening crash
Sunday - Gym 1-2-1 session in the morning, after 12pm new sofa's coming
Monday - 9-5 course, work 5-7.30, another gym session 8.30
Tuesday 9-5 course, work 5-7.30 and then die!!!
Wednesday on normal work phewww
This next week is gonna be a killer!!!!