Day 1 - Exante
I got in yesterday to a small bundle that was sent to me by a lovely friend on here.
Its enough to get me started till I receive my bumber pack on Monday.
So today I have started!!
I got up, did my normal routine of getting ready, then had a banana shake - which I thought was really tasty!! No sweetners added and found it quite thick too

I then had a black tea with 2 sweetners
Went out to the hairdressers, had my hair cut - had a glass of water, and then for my second offer of drink i had a black coffee.
After having my hair done, I went to tescos bought some bottled water, breath spray (ready for the bad breath) and lots of ibuprofen for my poorly wisdom teeth.
Once I got home, I had a vanilla shake and again I did enjoy it, it was plainer but still was enough.
Not feeling hungry yet, but I do have a MAJOR headache but I think thats from my wisdom teeth.
Fingers crossed for a 100% day 1