What plan are you following now?
A mix of MRP...Exante and Dietimeal
Oh hun... I hope the scales go down for you soon Xxxx
Thanks hun, I hope so too, very frustrating!
Yeh, its a long week alright. Stick with the plan, girl, as you know it'll suddenly shift. I'm standing still at the moment but I'm not being very good so I'm happy I'm not putting on. Roll on the weekend. xx
Thanks hun, hope your right

well done for not gaining whilst having a ickle munch xx
Still sticking with my plan and doing ok, but must admit to feeling down in the dumps today, Kinda feel like I wanna curl in a ball and cry myself away but I know its not the answer.
Think Im feeling frustrated!
Last night was watching my supersize v's superskinny and the supersizer who was on it...my OH said, thats the nearest to what my body shape was at the beginning of my journey...he said its not so much now with you losing some weight though ... now dont get me wrong...this was not a horrible conversation...but I feel like ***** knowing that I have this body, I have recently found Im feeling more confident but today I have none..I have felt like proper fatty wondering around at work and really uncomfortable in my skin.
The 'friend' calls tonight to tell me her brother is now on Exante and has lost 13lbs so far in under a week and saying how easy it must be... they have no idea...
My temp job looks like it will finish in the next 2-4 weeks! I have no idea what will happen after that.
Im going to start my initial teacher training course in June which Im really excited by, but finding it impossible to get a placement in Technical Theatre anywhere for September, not even on a voluntary basis!
OH still struggling with his anxiety and on top of that is suffering really bad with his acid reflux and is up in the night getting panic attacks.
Friend issue is no better, in fact I feel like I dislike them all abit too much, a sign for me to brake away...but finding it hard to do but in time that will get easier no doubt!
Today I feel like I cant cope...tomorrow will be better.
Good news is that I havent gone off the diet, nor do I have any interest in being silly by having a binge
Sorry for the rant, but I see no better place than here to do it