Your Body Magic

Off swimming! Think the challenge is 35 laps >.< oh god...fine, bring it on! Done 12,000 steps today at work too though, so not been too bad!
Good luck!! :) Half hour at the gym today... was going to do a 5k on treadmill but hip decided to give out after 15 mins.... grrr :rolleyes: So had to do 15 mins on bike instead x
Just did 5K in 35.25minutes. See my trail? It's all green for once, yay! Apart from the red spot where I stopped cos my laces came undone! Annoying but I need to improve!! Want to get it to 30 minutes by Race For Life in 4 weeks....ergh. Oh and the yellow bit is when I started and was still walking while I put my phone away ^.^


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Just did 5K in 35.25minutes. See my trail? It's all green for once, yay! Apart from the red spot where I stopped cos my laces came undone! Annoying but I need to improve!! Want to get it to 30 minutes by Race For Life in 4 weeks....ergh. Oh and the yellow bit is when I started and was still walking while I put my phone away ^.^

That's brill, well done! Does it go green at a certain speed? x
Body magic done for the day - 5k run at Park Run in 31:27!! :D So happy with that!! Hip did start playing up after 3.5km, so going to have to get that looked at... boo! x
Yeah red is stop/crawling on the floor in agony, yellow is fast walk, and green is running. I sped up for the last 1/4 mile a lot, I could feel how much faster I was going but the route doesn't show a change which upset me! :p I wonder if I will run like that for longer next week ^.^ I'm debating when to start doing 5 miles now....

Oh no dodgy hip! Perhaps some torso twists will help loosen up?
Yeah red is stop/crawling on the floor in agony, yellow is fast walk, and green is running. I sped up for the last 1/4 mile a lot, I could feel how much faster I was going but the route doesn't show a change which upset me! :p I wonder if I will run like that for longer next week ^.^ I'm debating when to start doing 5 miles now....

Oh no dodgy hip! Perhaps some torso twists will help loosen up?

Wow 5 miles is a big jump! Go you! :) I think I'm going to sign up for a 10k in the autumn so should probably start pushing my own distances a bit in prep but I quite like that 5k is getting more comfortable at the moment! I use the Caledos / RunKeeper app which shows pace changes once you log onto the website:


1 mi

2 mi

3 mi

4 mi

Have tried all the stretches etc I know on my hip and nothing seems to be working... I had problems at a teenager when I was doing lots of activity for my Duke of Edinburgh's award, so might be the same thing. Will get an appointment with the physio if it's not better by Monday - just need to decide whether to keep it low impact tomorrow and walk for my body magic, or whether to try out 30 day shred for the first time! :D
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30 day shred may leave you crippled, but maybe try it and find out your limit! I can't wait to be able to try it, looks like a giggle!
I like the fact that it even makes the superfit girls in the dvd sweat - I'm going to be dripping, especially if this warm weather stays!! :D
30 Day Shred - Level 1 - Session 1 - DONE! :D
Waheey! So jealous! You gonna do it every day or every other? I think every other is recommended???
Not sure yet - I already do Zumba on Mondays, Pilates on Thursdays, and a run on Saturdays, so will probably just try to fit it around those! :)
Just ran 5k by the lake, my god it's a scorcher! Glad I got to enjoy some of the weather after work. I swallowed a bug! ERGH feel so sick haha! I think of managed to cough it up *shudders* teach me to have my mouth open when I run LOL
Ewww nasty!! I find running in this heat really hard, well done you! :)

Zumba done for me, was roasting in the hall despite us having the doors open and everything! Can't beat a bit of a boogie on a Monday night :D
I actually must of had a nice breeze as I found this heat more bearable than that bank holiday a few weeks ago. I prefer sun to rain any day!
I quite like running in the rain - it's hard to get the motivation to go out, but I love the cooling effect! :)
Blimey you are weird! Haha, perhaps I need to just invest in a rain coat...the hood on my running coat kept being blown off and rain dripping off my eyelashes is very annoying for me >.<
I learned to run in the winter so my first few runs were in sub zero along the Dublin coast, renowned for being wet and windy! So everything just got better from there :D
Did my first day of 30DS today! ****ed ain't the word lmao!!

Haha well done!! Just wait until your thigh stiffness kicks in later ;) I'm still suffering and it's been 2 days!!

35 mins at the gym today for me - 20 mins run and 15 mins bike :)