Gold Member
From me too xx to you both x
Thanks hun, how are u? X
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From me too xx to you both x
Hey hun glad ur alright, did u have fun on the night out? Think its worth forgetting about him and go out and meeting someone new who will give u all the attention u deserve, no offence but men can be so annoying. Xxx
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Such fun Tam. Got a wee bit too drunk. He brought me out yesterday for lunch and we watched football. I really like him. But my gut says he doesnt like me enough. Ill play it by ear. Hows ur beau Tam?? Ava xxxxx
Awww sounds like u had great fun, glad u did.
Ohh u went out to lunch, thats a start, sounds like u do like him a lot, just give it a watch and see how it goes hun, but sometimes its worth listening to your gut.
Oh yea new beau's good thanks, things are looking good from what im seeing but i dont want to jinks things so soon, we see eachother nearly everyday now and go out a lot. Maybe new relationship might happen in the new yr who knows lol.
Hows the shakes goin down today hun? Im on shakes and soups today but feeling very hungry xx
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Wow every day Tam. It must be love lol. I hope he's treating u like a princess. Yip we had a lovely lunch. Football was slightly boring tho lol Shakes ok. Will prob get hungry later. Scales say 12 7 Tam. So i want to lose those 8 pounds before Christmas. Stick with it doll. Tho ur looking fab as it is Ava xxxxxx
Honest Tam it has been that long, just been fat and single for years. Lost 5 stone odd and instantly getting attention, even at work I am getting flirted with its been really weird after sucha long break. Last night though - aww man !! I didnt leave till 1:20am and was up for work for 6 :S God knows what will happen when I lose the other 5 stone lolTell you what though, I cant wait to find out
haha xx
Im good today thanks hunni. Hope ur good too!! I no your a fighter so i dont have to worry, i no youll pick up from where u left off. And just for the record hun your more than good enough to date any man because your gorgeous Repeat after me ................ good girl xxxx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
He might be playing it cool, depends on the type of guy.
If I was interested in a girl then she would know I was interested if that makes sense, id be making small talk etc at the very least.
He may be intimidated by your attractiveness perhaps as you are a very good looking girl though being a girl you will never admit it nor see it in yourself, being a guy though I do see it and you are deffo someone I would class as 'fit'.
you are the type of girl that guys would notice on a night out and talk to their mates about, the usual phwoar business - you know the score!
You can have your pick of the guys out there love so pick one that is well into you and isnt a wide boy, player, hard to get etc. I know it adds a bit of excitement to have a bit of a chase but it eventually gets boring as you get older, you want someone you can kick back on the sofa with and have cuddles with or sex or just a laugh.
Someone who just loves you and being near you and makes you giggle is who you need love, you wont have much trouble finding men but make sure you get one that is worth having.
Thank u kindly for calling me 'fit' Lin. Im still overweight but ta. Haha. I wish he was mad about me but will have to play it by ear. He did message me last night. Saying how are u..then goodnight x with no time for me to reply. I hate to bore you all with the details. Lol. And im a lot more confident and prob attractive when im slimmer. So i have a ways to go. Im so glad ur getting more attention from the ladies Lin. Go youThx so much Sag. Hope u having a lovely day Got on great today Tam. Its the night time demons I have to conquer. Which i did last night. Im showing as 12 5 woop woop. You've not had much at all pet. Ur pretty slim so can afford to break out a wee bit. But its all relative. Im totally supoortive of u wanting to get slimmer. Hope we all having a good day Ava xxxxx
Aww thanks hun and well done!! The weights going back down, stick at it hun, your well on your waY to slim ville. Tbh hun im feeling so bad right now for eating thr bar but my ketostix confirms im still in ketosis, im still under 60g of carbs for the day, its so scary as i dont wana gain a single pound or start eating badly.
Im totatally here to support u hun
Keep at it and watch yourself melt xxxx
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Aw so glad u still in Ketosis Tam. Night time cravings have hit. Ahhhhhhhhh! Ive so much admiration for everyone doing this diet. Will try stay 100% My size 16 jeans hanging off me...bought a size 14 and they super tight. 2 weeks could have me in them. Plus i have a fab wine party dress that just doesnt close yet. I seem to have developed a shopping addiction. Lol Ava xxxxx
Such a releif lol!! Oh yea the diets difficult, my hat goes off to anyone thats ever done it.
Wooo hooo for the jeand falling off!! Such an achievement and i love it!!! Lol haha ur not the only one, im obdessed with shopping too. But u deserve it hunni so treat yourself to clothes haha
How did u get on lastnight hunni? I wasnt hungry and i found it shocking, but im hungry today tho lol.
Hope ur having a fab day. 9 more hrs of work and i see my guy xxxx
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Aw thx hun. Woop woop. Just tried on my leather trousers they might fit in a week or two. Ah ur like me with the shopping. U look FAB honey...i should really wait to buy till ive lost more. Lol Ive stayed 100%. Am abt 12 3. Woop woop. The 11's in sight. Super cute ur excited to see your man. How did ur eve go. Folks I asked ex of sorts out. He said he was busy this weekend and never suggested an alternative date. Biteen upset.Ah suppose ill get over it. So life battling shakes continues. Hope everyone has a super day tomoro. Ava xxxxx
Yay sounds exiting hun, ur on a roll now, i love leather clothing expecially those shiny leather leggings, i invested in a good one last yr but their too big now so need go get some more, mmm imagine them with high heels? Nice!!
I no what u mean in waiting to lose more weight before going shopping but it still dont stop us from doing it lol haha, live for the moment kind of thing. Can u imagine how much shopping youll be doing once u hit goal weigh? Very exiting lol.
What??, did u say 12.3?? Well done hunni!! Thats really good, the 11s are in sight! I reckon youll get into the 11s by next week wooo hoooo so exited for u.
My night went good huni thanks, i was so tired from work so i wasnt up for going out or eating and i kinda said i wanted to go home then he invited me over to his but i werent sure if i wanted to but i went anyway lol and we just had a chilled night being stupid haha but i fell asleep and didnt end up going home, its not like me to fall asleep like that lol, wait for it .... So i got home and received a text from him saying hes got feelings for me and he wants me in his life forever, i still havent replied yet ohh nooo!! Im a bit worried and scared to get back out there so soon, so he rang me and we still didnt talk about the text message lol but il establish that at some point today
Hows ur ex hun? Yea i was thinking that he might have been busy. Some guys arent known to make first moves, they might seem confident but deep down very shy. Give it some time, u may have other pending dates ahead. Dont mean to sound gay but ur an attractive lady and if i was a man id sweep u up before any others got the chance haha. In other words ur gorgeous hunni. Hope ur having a good day, im on nightshift tonight. Good luck to me lol. Xxx
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