Exercise Challenge - inc. Insanity!

Hmmm.... Are we losing some steam here? How is everyone doing? And where is our cheerleader ceri??

Completed cardio power yesterday and recovery today: still have to fit the abs workout in somewhere this week. But I was delighted to see that the whole of next week is a recovery week!

I walked for 49 mins yesterday, but it's getting colder and I feel the beginning of sniffles. Have to make sure I dint use this as an excuse to try and talk myself out of a workout!

Go team go!!!
Ooo I'm still on it like a car bonnet !
Got my programme at the gym so spending about 2 hours on it every other day and an Abz workout out I between
Loving it!
No honest!!
Good for you, Laura! Bet it's taking you to tw even faster!
I'm still here, just not following Dukan!

Insanity is going well, although I have missed a few days. Not sure if I'd be better repeating month 1 after the rest week, and concentrating on better form.

My diet hasn't been great, and I've put on 3lbs. Just have no motivation to follow a diet at the moment, but I am keeping up with the exercise.

Hope everybody else is working up a good sweat!!! :)xx
Good to hear from you, ceri!

Sorry to hear about the gain but I'm with you. Have 3 lbs of my own to drop... On the other hand I suspect some of it is extra muscle from insanity, since my clothes are feeling looser and flab is disappearing. And the insanity intro warns not to be too strict on your diet during the program. So keep taking pics and measurements, and reporting your workouts!!

I would vote for starting the second month, even if you have to skip or modify some of the exercises. Or at least try week 1 and see how it goes? As for skipping, you can always try and do a bit extra in the recovery week I guess, but I am only doing 5 days a week and still feel good. I'm sure in reality, people do skip here and there, as its not always possible to fit this into your schedule.

Good luck!
Just not repprted but still going strong! Day 10 Level 2 Shred tomorrow. Then off for the home stretch!!!!
Finished insanity week4! Almost threw up during yesterday's pure cardio, though! Not sure if it because of doing it after breakfast - I did wait about 2 hrs- or just because I really went for it. But I was glad when it was over! Next week is recovery, but I actually have house guests and so won't be able to do anything til Friday. Luckily I'm not missing the core workouts, though.

Hope you're all moving and shaking!
Indeed. Only 6 weeks to go guys!!! Arghh
30 mins walk & weight this am!
I'm on an insanity break for a few days until my house guests leave, but on the plus side doing lots of walking and sightseeing with them. And I cycled to work the last 2 days, so not too bad. Unfortunately with visitors comes lots of meals out, though...
guys, what's happening here? have you all fallen by the wayside? for my part i can report:
wed: 30 mins bike, weights
thu: 30 mins fast walk, pilates
today: 30 mins bike, weights.
i increased the weights i'm lifting too! the bad news is, i have to start taking anti-clotting medication for my heart condition and skiing is now contra-indicated,so bang goes my winter holiday. i'm absolutely gutted.
I haven't doing Shred in the morning and 30mins treadmill in the evening consistently. ;)
I did circuits last Monday. Meant to add that in here :) x
sarafvrm said:
guys, what's happening here? have you all fallen by the wayside? for my part i can report:
wed: 30 mins bike, weights
thu: 30 mins fast walk, pilates
today: 30 mins bike, weights.
i increased the weights i'm lifting too! the bad news is, i have to start taking anti-clotting medication for my heart condition and skiing is now contra-indicated,so bang goes my winter holiday. i'm absolutely gutted.

Boo to no skiing :(

Yay to all this exercise! :D

P x
sarafvrm said:
guys, what's happening here? have you all fallen by the wayside? for my part i can report:
wed: 30 mins bike, weights
thu: 30 mins fast walk, pilates
today: 30 mins bike, weights.
i increased the weights i'm lifting too! the bad news is, i have to start taking anti-clotting medication for my heart condition and skiing is now contra-indicated,so bang goes my winter holiday. i'm absolutely gutted.

What a bloody shame xxx