Found a very cool free app called endomondo that is a great motivator: you choose your exercise (walking, cycling, running, etc), click start and then it tracks your route, calorie consumption, ave speed, etc. and you can upload your route to FB when you're done. Unfortunately I forgot to turn it off before jumping on the ferry yesterday, and I had a few comments about my swim, starting iron man, etc
I never did do it every day and only now am i starting to do more exercise. A little each day.I need to start my daily 20 mins walk
Yes, interested please!Hey All, I go to an intense exercise class most week days (it's kinda like crossfit) and I was wondering if anyone wanted me to post the routines? I have all of the ones I've gone to since the start of Janurary written down. If people are interested I can start a new thread with daily posts I would also possibly be able to substitute exercises for ones people might feel wary of, if say they have any injuries, and post links to videos detailing the different exercises.
I'm going to wait until my Enter button is fixed so I can format paragraphs properly
Good for you, Zoe! What's your routine? (I know about the Zumba at least!) You were doing spinning too, right?