Silver Member
Aw you're very kind Goose, thank you. To be honest, in hindsight I could have dealt with things better - but I have learned from it and won't let things get like that again.
Don't beat yourself up either
Our weight/size does not define who we are and our family and friends still love is no matter what.
Aw you're very kind Goose, thank you. To be honest, in hindsight I could have dealt with things better - but I have learned from it and won't let things get like that again.
Don't beat yourself up either
Our weight/size does not define who we are and our family and friends still love is no matter what.
I am also excited about being slimmer and feeling healthier! It is good to visualise ourselves in a few weeks when we are where we want to be.
I'm on day 6 now..... almost a week done! We will do this xxxx
Don't beat yourself up either
When your doing this for say 12 weeks or 16 like me its virtually impossible to clear your diary of all social events till then
I personally feel to get the best out of this plan you need to stay 100% or as low carb as possible.
Im so sorry for everything you went through
That must have been so difficult.
Don't feel bad. I weigh more now than i did full term pregnant!!! I was so stupid and managed to lose 2 stones with slimmig world only to put it all back on. So honestly hun dont beat yourself up over it. At least your doing something right now to tackle it.
And one meal will not ruin everything at all xx
Weight and food will always be a challenge for me...i know that will never change.
We are both the same height!!! Im 5 ft 4.5 too! Aiming for 9st 4.
I dont think i realise how big i have got. My sis saw some pics and commented that it was the biggest shed ever seen me sob sob.
Had a giggle at the comments about your hubby!!! I am excited to get slimmer. I have a lunch in 3 ish weeks which i cant get out of so will just go with the flow x
Aw you're very kind Goose, thank you. To be honest, in hindsight I could have dealt with things better - but I have learned from it and won't let things get like that again.
Don't beat yourself up either
I am also excited about being slimmer and feeling healthier! It is good to visualise ourselves in a few weeks when we are where we want to be.
I'm on day 6 now..... almost a week done! We will do this xxxx