I know what you mean Goose, I've actually only managed two Shakes the last couple of days as I've not had my first one until 12:00 and the second when I get home at 17:00/18:00. (I know this is bad and we should have all three

I heard you can take yourself out of Ketosis if you have your Shakes too close together? Not sure how accurate that is, but I wouldn't want to risk it either way.
How much water are you drinking? I'm trying to have 3 x 750ml bottles of water a day. I also make my Shakes up to 650-700ml, plus I have my black coffee and peppermint tea.
We can have tabulated sweeteners can't we?
Do you check your ketosis status with the sticks? I've thought about buying some but I'm not sure there is much point in doing so.
Have a good day, it's a frosty one in Cambridge today xxxx