Mmmmm, love the sound of the lavender cheese. That sounds like a delicious, and very civilised, way to start a Sunday morning. Must keep an eye out to see if I ever see it. Really liking the idea of a lavender cheesecake at the moment. Maybe when payday comes i need to investigate some edible lavender supplies and experiment. Oooh and lavender shortbread. I've wanted to make that for ages. And rose petal shortbread to go with a rhubarb panna cotta. Oooooh you have my food brain switched on this morning!
When does OH get back today? Is he back at work next week or off?
It was from Norton's Dairy, Atomic ...
Nortons Dairy
All the stockists are local to Norfolk, but it looks like they do online orders too. What I really like is the texture - although I have called it cream cheese, it is not a whipped cheese, but more like what my mum used to call curd cheese, which she used to buy cut from a block at the local butchers. It is a bit like a soft crumbly goats cheese in texture, but a milder flavour. Yum, yum, yum. I think I need to stop talking about it now or the temptation may become too great.
Years ago I made a lavender, gin and honey ice-cream, which was absolutely delicious and I have a hankering to make some lavender scones using the lavender from the garden, or lavender and lemon cake. I imagine the scones would be very good with fresh raspberries or blackcurrants. Actually ... brain kicks into gear ... I could make my own lavender cheese by straining Greek yogurt and adding my own lavender. Ooooh, so much food, so little time!
OH got back late last night. Originally they were going to stay away for two nights, but his son had to get back for this morning. He had a great time and this morning has shown me all 274 photos he took of the cars!

We are sort of planning a walk at the coast, but neither of us can get going yet. He has to put the tent back up before we go, as it was a bit damp when they packed up.
He is off for a fortnight now, and the weather forecast for Mon, Ties and Weds is looking good!