well it's 11 30 am and I've done nothing yet. I feel awful. The kids wanted curry and chips from the chip shop for tea last night and I ended up eating some

I didnt drink enough water yesterday either.
Also the bloke I went out with wasn't such a gentleman last night sending me rude texts at about 1 am basically suggesting he would come over and ...er.... yeah that.
I ignored it.
Had one text off mr mechanic asking how thusday night went and nothing more. he must be in a huff with me, oh well.
Spent hours on msn talkng to the bloke who's gone to wales last night him telling me how lonely he is etc (aww poor thing doesn't know anyone yet) whilst at the same time I was looking for christmas presents for people online. didn't buy anything though. Might get one of those space hopper things for my niece.
Havent weighed myself again so no idea how heavy I am. Probably about 3 stone heavier than when I started (just joking, but seriously doubt I'll have lot anything this week)Maybe once I get stuck into the housework that'll burn off some of the extra calories. I didn't bother checking to see if i was in ketosis, I thought it was pretty pointless.
I've arranged to go out with a friend on monday night, I think I'm going to have to wear that same dress again cos I've got nothing else to wear. Oh well, different people and different places every time so no one will know its all I have. might take my boots to get reheeled though os they're a bit uncomfortable to walk on and hurt my ankles as they're always leaning to the left.
I measured the waist of that skirt I've been trying to get on that says its a size 14 and it is only 28 inches. According to all the size guides I found on the internet that is a size 12. So it lies!!!!! it has the wrong label on or somethng. So all this time I've een worried about buying size 14 stuff in case they're too small I've really been trying to get into a 12. no wonder I could never get into it. Oh well at least now I'll know when I can get into 12's. (not yet) I must get back to ssing properly so I can get into the 12's as soon as possible. Then there's just 10's to aim for then I'm done
So, SS day 1 (again!) no more food for me till aam week! or 10 stone 1 whichever comes first (thats bmi 25 so will have to go to the next stage) and lots and lots and lots of water.