Gold Member
11 stone 2 again today ack! thats not good, it should be going down not up.
I know it's not by much but it all makes a difference specially when so close to being in a new range of numbers. I wanna be in the tens!!!!
I didnt drink enough water yesterday and picked at some turkey so wasn't the best of ssing days but was ok.
This morning I'm tired and irritable. Mr Cinema bloke (grrrr) rang me about 15 times last night between 2 30 and 5 am. I ignored them all and ended up turning my phone off but still kept me awake. Then the kids and dog woke me up at 8 and wouldn't let me go back to sleep. My stomach hurts and I have a headache. I'm such a misery today.
I'm almost at the end of my week off and I still haven't started decorating the twins room, and didn't lay the flooring stuff I got for the bathroom. I'm going to have to do that today I think before it gets ruined where it is.
At least the kids can't moan that theres nothing to eat any more because I went shopping last night and spent £100 on food just for them! thats going to have to last a few weeks at least. But I doubt it will. I got all easy to cook things so they can make their own food and I wont be tempted. Lots of weightwatchers frozen meals for them lolOne of my twin absolutely loves spag bol and he's getting rather chubby so got the weightwatchers ones on purpose for him. They complained that their dad gets nicer ones for them, but he obviously gets full fat ones grr. He has never had a weight problem he wouldn't understand. I don't think he's ever been above 12 stone.
I'm missing my bars
haven't had any for a week so will be looking forward to when I can have them again. I wont be looking forward to going back to work again though. I could get usd to being a lady of leisure lol.
I can't wait to get to start on the 790 plan so I can start going to the gym again. I think it'll be too much being on ss but once I get down to 10 stone 1 I will make sure I go regularly. i used to like going but hated doing the classes because the walls were all mirrored and i hated seeing myself. At least now I'm not twice the size of everyone else in the room I'll be happier to go and do it. And I'll feel more comfortable going swimming too although swimming is to boring to do it often. I used to pretend to drown myself just to make it more interesting (just to me not to anyone else, didn't want anyone jumping in to save me or anything like that) Also I'm paying for the gym still, I couldn't cancel it till march so nt going is asting money! I just got disheartened because i went 4 times a week for 6 weeks and only lost a few pounds, so I want it to make me fitter and more toned up rather than for weightloss because cd is great for that on it's own.
I didnt drink enough water yesterday and picked at some turkey so wasn't the best of ssing days but was ok.
This morning I'm tired and irritable. Mr Cinema bloke (grrrr) rang me about 15 times last night between 2 30 and 5 am. I ignored them all and ended up turning my phone off but still kept me awake. Then the kids and dog woke me up at 8 and wouldn't let me go back to sleep. My stomach hurts and I have a headache. I'm such a misery today.
I'm almost at the end of my week off and I still haven't started decorating the twins room, and didn't lay the flooring stuff I got for the bathroom. I'm going to have to do that today I think before it gets ruined where it is.
At least the kids can't moan that theres nothing to eat any more because I went shopping last night and spent £100 on food just for them! thats going to have to last a few weeks at least. But I doubt it will. I got all easy to cook things so they can make their own food and I wont be tempted. Lots of weightwatchers frozen meals for them lolOne of my twin absolutely loves spag bol and he's getting rather chubby so got the weightwatchers ones on purpose for him. They complained that their dad gets nicer ones for them, but he obviously gets full fat ones grr. He has never had a weight problem he wouldn't understand. I don't think he's ever been above 12 stone.
I'm missing my bars
I can't wait to get to start on the 790 plan so I can start going to the gym again. I think it'll be too much being on ss but once I get down to 10 stone 1 I will make sure I go regularly. i used to like going but hated doing the classes because the walls were all mirrored and i hated seeing myself. At least now I'm not twice the size of everyone else in the room I'll be happier to go and do it. And I'll feel more comfortable going swimming too although swimming is to boring to do it often. I used to pretend to drown myself just to make it more interesting (just to me not to anyone else, didn't want anyone jumping in to save me or anything like that) Also I'm paying for the gym still, I couldn't cancel it till march so nt going is asting money! I just got disheartened because i went 4 times a week for 6 weeks and only lost a few pounds, so I want it to make me fitter and more toned up rather than for weightloss because cd is great for that on it's own.