I think, if I need to think about things so much then he's not right for me, and it's pointless because I could waste a perfect chance of happiness by being with him.
I've been having a fat day today. I still need to lose soo much more weight yet I can't believe I ave wasted so much time and effort over the past week.
I've been having tetras so they're hard to split (I think so anyway) so I think maybe thats why I'm having so much trouble getting back int it. I've had 4 packs today and about 5 litres of water. I know 4 packs is too much but it's better than eating food which I was sooo tempted to do. If I wasn't working there's no way I could do this diet because I'd be too bored and want to eat all the time. This week I've had off has been very hard to deal with getting back into ssing. Glad I haven't given up though. And it's a good job I was in when that policeman came round earlier thinking he was doing a good deed by returning my passport only it wasn't my passport. Whats the chances of someone visiting this area who has the same name with the same spelling as me when I'm the only person with that name and spelling in the whole of the north east? very slim I'd say. More to worry about.
When the police car pulled up ooutside I thought oh I hope e's not coming here. Then when he knocked on the door I thought oh I wonder what he wants. Then when I opened the door and he said "hello Nichola is it?" I thought oh no I've done nothing wrong, the cars taxed, MOT'd and everything !!!! have I been speeding? But no, he was doing me a favour so he thought. He was gorgeous though, the uniform definately helped.
I wonder if they can find out where that passort was issued to. they couldn't have eplaced mine with it could they since you need to send the old one away to get a new one dont you? hmmm
I remember there was a website somewhere I heard of ages ago where it tells you how many people there are in the country with the same name as you. I checked my name and there were only 5 of us with exactly the same name. so waaay too coincidental. I never thought to check the date of birth on it to see if it was the same as mine. I wonder if the police checked it before bringing it out to me.
anyway, back to getting skinny. I forgot to check and see if I was still in ketosis today (wasn't any need really since I hadnt had anything to knock me out of it or so I thought) so I checked later on before I went in the bath and I wasn't in ketosis!!!! But then I remembered something someone said about how if you drink a lot of water then it will showthat you're not in it so I tried again after and there were ketones there phew! I still ffind using the ketostix weird really because I used to have to do something like that when I was pregnant with my twins. I had pre eclampsia and they had to keep a check on me with those things. so it just reminds me of that. at least this is a better experience and the weightloss is almost as quick but nothing can beat losing a stone in a couple of hours