Gold Member
I'm sure you will be there by next summer
Oficially 10 stone 12 exactly today (I do love Isobels scales lol) I have been very happy today for some reason, despite being told I look tired with dark circles under my eyes (lack of makeup) and a bloke I told to stop pestering me last week has started again. In what way does "leave me alone" leave room for him to try again? Hmmm I suppose i should hav expected it since he's been trying for almost 4 years now (without luck)
I arranged today to go to the quayside on thursday night. Then I thought to myself mr mechanic will probably be there, I could either ask him if he's going to be there and warn him I'm going so if his other woman is there he can behave himself when I'm around and not get caught lying again. Or I could not tell him and see if he gets caught out. Then I thought what does it matter if he is lying to me, we're not together anyway any more. So I warned him I'd be going because no matter how much it's over I am still pretty... er... jealous I suppose and I don't want to walk into a bar and find him all over her. So. I've decided. I'm going to enjoy this night out immensley no matter who is there. I am going to buy something new and I will look fabulous. I will feel confident. AND I will just think to myself that she will be jealous of me not the other way round lol. For a start I'm 13 years younger than her and it sounds to me like she's trying to make herself look younger. People often say I look like I'm in my early twenties too so I look a lot younger than I really am. Think it'll work? me neither but if I make myself believe it by thursday night I might have a better time. I've never actually seen her face but I hope she's a bit rough and wrinkly lol. I'm scaring myself now, must stop this. I just want to believe that I am better than her. I'm so upset i'm still too fat for knee lenghth boots I want some so I can wear a short skirt and show off my newly slim legs (with thick tights on lol) so she's thinner than me, who cares? I'm curvy lol would rather hav a few curves than be like a rake. Ok so I want to be that skinny but still with a little bit of a curve.
Ok you can think I'm officially insane now because of all that Ive just written but never mind. I'm so glad I've lost all that weight because if I hadn't I would be so crushed right now I wouldn't ever leave the house and I wouldn't be able to get on with life as I have done. So I was fat when he started playing around but I'm not now and thats what counts.
wow look at that I just wrote that I'm not fat now! do I really subconsciously think that? I am still overweight yes but still much thinner than I was. I can buy clothes anywhere (except plus size clothes) and can look good in them. I really need to lose another 2 stone by thursday!!! seriously!
2lb at least?
so, that means mr cinema only has he chance of taking me out tomorrow or wednesday. So I told him. And he still said I'll let you know. This bloke is seriously not worth my attention is he. Maybe I'll meet someone better.
Oh and the coffee bloke at work who I think is gorgeous (I'm not a tart honest) is leaving his job in 2 weeks so I wont see him any more
how sad. He's happy about it anyway. poor me not getting my nice coffee man visits any more. I hope they get a nice replacement for him.
I saw boris becker in B&Q this afternoon too! ok not the real boris becker IT's this bloke who is always out where we go usually and he is the double of boris. He's quite nice looking too but has a girlfriend.
It sounds like I think of nothing but men but it's not true honest. I just have more confidence all of a sudden and would dare to think someone I like might actuallylike me too. But wouldn't be brave enough to act on anything yet. I said that to someone not so long ago and got told not to be silly because there is no reason why someone wouldn't like me. Still, I'm not that confident yet.
I've got to do more painting tonight. I realy cant be bothered. Might leave it till tomorrow. But then again I need to go shopping for something to wear on thursday night. I need someone to go with me to give me and honest opinion of how I look.
can everyone who reads this wish that she looks like a right hag just so I will feel better lol. I'm ashamed of myself I have never been so jealaous of anything in my life. so, need to get this over with and get on with the rest of my life. Oh and while you're at the wishing, also wish that I'll meet someone gorgeous, single and perfect for me who will think the same about me while I'm out.that would be good.
Oficially 10 stone 12 exactly today (I do love Isobels scales lol) I have been very happy today for some reason, despite being told I look tired with dark circles under my eyes (lack of makeup) and a bloke I told to stop pestering me last week has started again. In what way does "leave me alone" leave room for him to try again? Hmmm I suppose i should hav expected it since he's been trying for almost 4 years now (without luck)
I arranged today to go to the quayside on thursday night. Then I thought to myself mr mechanic will probably be there, I could either ask him if he's going to be there and warn him I'm going so if his other woman is there he can behave himself when I'm around and not get caught lying again. Or I could not tell him and see if he gets caught out. Then I thought what does it matter if he is lying to me, we're not together anyway any more. So I warned him I'd be going because no matter how much it's over I am still pretty... er... jealous I suppose and I don't want to walk into a bar and find him all over her. So. I've decided. I'm going to enjoy this night out immensley no matter who is there. I am going to buy something new and I will look fabulous. I will feel confident. AND I will just think to myself that she will be jealous of me not the other way round lol. For a start I'm 13 years younger than her and it sounds to me like she's trying to make herself look younger. People often say I look like I'm in my early twenties too so I look a lot younger than I really am. Think it'll work? me neither but if I make myself believe it by thursday night I might have a better time. I've never actually seen her face but I hope she's a bit rough and wrinkly lol. I'm scaring myself now, must stop this. I just want to believe that I am better than her. I'm so upset i'm still too fat for knee lenghth boots I want some so I can wear a short skirt and show off my newly slim legs (with thick tights on lol) so she's thinner than me, who cares? I'm curvy lol would rather hav a few curves than be like a rake. Ok so I want to be that skinny but still with a little bit of a curve.
Ok you can think I'm officially insane now because of all that Ive just written but never mind. I'm so glad I've lost all that weight because if I hadn't I would be so crushed right now I wouldn't ever leave the house and I wouldn't be able to get on with life as I have done. So I was fat when he started playing around but I'm not now and thats what counts.
wow look at that I just wrote that I'm not fat now! do I really subconsciously think that? I am still overweight yes but still much thinner than I was. I can buy clothes anywhere (except plus size clothes) and can look good in them. I really need to lose another 2 stone by thursday!!! seriously!
so, that means mr cinema only has he chance of taking me out tomorrow or wednesday. So I told him. And he still said I'll let you know. This bloke is seriously not worth my attention is he. Maybe I'll meet someone better.
Oh and the coffee bloke at work who I think is gorgeous (I'm not a tart honest) is leaving his job in 2 weeks so I wont see him any more
I saw boris becker in B&Q this afternoon too! ok not the real boris becker IT's this bloke who is always out where we go usually and he is the double of boris. He's quite nice looking too but has a girlfriend.
It sounds like I think of nothing but men but it's not true honest. I just have more confidence all of a sudden and would dare to think someone I like might actuallylike me too. But wouldn't be brave enough to act on anything yet. I said that to someone not so long ago and got told not to be silly because there is no reason why someone wouldn't like me. Still, I'm not that confident yet.
I've got to do more painting tonight. I realy cant be bothered. Might leave it till tomorrow. But then again I need to go shopping for something to wear on thursday night. I need someone to go with me to give me and honest opinion of how I look.
can everyone who reads this wish that she looks like a right hag just so I will feel better lol. I'm ashamed of myself I have never been so jealaous of anything in my life. so, need to get this over with and get on with the rest of my life. Oh and while you're at the wishing, also wish that I'll meet someone gorgeous, single and perfect for me who will think the same about me while I'm out.that would be good.