I still haven't cheated on the ssing

wasn't even tempted. It was an ok night apart from my friends brother in law grrr I can't stand him he's so arrogant and just eww. thinks he has the right to just have a feel of my bum whenever he sees it. Well he doesn't!!! We told him he was a womaniser near the beginning of the night then he spent the rest of the night trying to tell us he wasn't while contradicting himself all the time. He's not nice. He spoilt my night anyway when he was there We separated from them (thank god) and we were all dancing so as soon as he and his brother came to dance with us I decided it was time to leave them to it. My feet hurt anyway because I was wearing those boots with the 4 inch heels. Oh and he kept telling me to cheer up grrrr I hate when people do that. He's the reason I wasn't happy anyway if he'd left us alone I would have been fine.
My friends boyfriend came over to me later on and just said "Nikki you look fantastic" bless him. I don't think he likes me really in case I lead my friend astray. Which is silly really cos if anything it's the other way around. I just give her someone to go out with to get up to whatever she does.
I wore that silk dress then decided it was faar too cold to wear shoes with it. So I had to wear the boots just to keep my legs warm. I knew my feet would hurt so was going to take some other shoe for whenthey got bad and leave them in the car but then I thought I would never bother going back to the car so left the shoes at home.
Saw mr cinema again too. He's changed his approach to asking if we can agree to only see each other and no one else. hmm. He needs to try harder if that's going to happen.
He's determined to get me drinking too. I told him I will when I've lost another 2 stone, he looked me up and down and said "nah 2 stone more and you'll be too skinny you look very nice as you are." hmm I wish I could see myself through other people's eyes. I don't think I look that good at all, but then we are always more critical of ourselves than other people aren't we
I'm so tired. Didn't get home till after 3 and had to pick the kids up at 6 am. It was soooo cccccold, still is but not as bad as in the middle of the night.
Oh and I have to go to a football match!!!!!!! My son got given 2 free tickets for 100% attendance in school last year, so I have to take him. I've never been to a football match in my life no idea where to go what to do or anything. All I know is it's going to be very very cold and traffic will be a nightmare. There were apparently 931 children got these tickets and theres a competition between them all to win the chance of doing penalty shootouts on the pitch at half time with Spike (whoever that is). Maybe mybrother in law might take him instead, he's a sunderland fan anyway (that's who's playing cant remember who its against) Anyway, if I must go, I will but dreading it.