I am a happy bunny

AND DEFINATELY NOT PUTTING YOU TO SHAME Isobel, at least the first time you did the diet you didn't keep eating stuff like I have been!
I tried my dress on today and you know what? I DO look fabulous in it lol. My belly still sticks out a bit but I think it always will do. Thats just the way it is and after years of being over weight and having 3 kids (including a set of twins!) my belly is never going to be perfect. I turned sideways and looked at myself in the mirror (and breathed in) and couldn't believe how thin I actually looked. I really need a bra with the dress now too lol last time I tried it on it was so tight around my boobs they weren't going anywhere whether I wore one or not. Now they need something to hold them up. the higher they are the smaller my waist looks lol.
I'm actually a bit fed up with my waist though, it's not decreasing along with the rest of me. I have size 10 hips and a size 14 waist! not a good match. However, when I measured it today if I held the measuring tape tight it was 27 inches loose it was 30 inches! so I can get the 10's fastened but they're a bit tight. So I'm hoping it's going to start coming off my waist and my calves soon (please,please,please) I'm happy with the way everything else is shrinking. Ok maybe my boobs could shrink a bit more but I'd rather lose my belly and calves first.
Even though I've been happy with the weightloss today I've been absolutely starving, so made myself a dinner of chicken sprouts and asparagus, mmmm. wasn't enough thugh, still hungry. I've just had some hot chocolate but still want more. I'll be 2 lbs heavier by tomorrow just because of the food in my stomach lol.
After posing in front of the mirror in my dress and things I ended up watching pride and prejudice (how long is that film?!) so haven't really done anything other than tidy up a bit, wash dishe, wash clothes and put the christmas tree up. so I am not going to get much else done before the kids come home. Must go out and buy them some food though. The supermarkets will be closed by now though so will have to go to the co op, thats open till 10 but more expensive.
The dog thought the tree was wonderful. Lets hope he doesn't think it's real and wee against it. I caught him weeing against the tilet earlier aaaargh! thankfully it's not going to soak into the floor now and is easily cleaned up in there but I really need to work out how to stop him doing it. He would't go outside this morning because it was too windy and raining, grrr. He took one step outside then went running back in and refused to budge hence using the toilet as a toilet.
I have decided Mr cinema, I mean Dave is going to get the sack. He's not good enough for me and doesn't give me enough attenton so I don't want anything more to do with him. Mr Mechanic does nothing for me any more either but could come in handy if my car breaks down (cant afford to join AA or anything) so I'll keep him handy lol. The bloke who lives in my street and was tryng to get me to see him, has revealed he has a girlfriend so he can leave me alone as well. I also told the bloke who has been trying with me for the past 4 or 5 years or so that he can leave me alone too. I told him I found him intimidating and it would never work between us because of that. Apparently he's ben told that before and been called a bully as well (so he told me) so I think I've done the right thing there. It was never going to happen anyway I dot know why he didnt give up years ago.
And now my friend who I'm going to see Keane with has been saying things lke it'll be great when we see them just because I'll be with him. Hmm I really want to go but not sure it's such a good idea now he's saying hings like that. I'll have to go it's cost too much for the tickets to suddenly say oh I don't want to go now and not very fair on him cos it was my idea to go in the first place (I can't afford 2 tickets myself and no one else to give one too, plus I can't really be cheeky enough to ask him for his ticket just cos I don't want to go with him any more) He asked yesterday how many times I could have pulled when I was out on friday night, so I said none, no one is interested in me. His reply to that was he should go there one night cos it must be full of really really top totty (charming!) if I don't get look in. Sweet of him but still going to get him nowhere. (I did actually get chatted up by an 18 year old but he's a bit tooooo young)
I'm trying to remember who the 6th bloke is now. Oh yeah I remember, told him to leave me alone as well cos I'd had enough. So down to just one admirer now, howwill I ever cope without all the attention? lol. My phone bill will be cheaper for a start!
So, thats like 2 wardrobes being cleared out. One full of big clothes, one full of men. I need much better things to replace them with now. I'e had enough of making do wih what I can have now I have to go for what I want. Wish me luck lol