my diary ~ no more CD for me

Oh no!!! You have the wrong kinda bikers!!! Actually, I think its just the leathers that do it for me and the strut....doesnt matter wat their face looks like!! But the bod has gotta look good in the leathers!!!
well they're people and its a party so who cares how hot they are.

I'm starving, given into having an extra bar! not good
today I've been wearing my size 10 top :) even when i bought it I never thought it would fit but it does somehow. Not that anyone else cares though. Everyon has already commented on my weightloss so they're not bothered about if I lose any more. But I've hardly lost any lately anyway.

My scales said I was 10 stone 9 this morning. But they lie so might not be right.

I cant help wondering what people see when they look at me. I look at Mrs stickinsect at work and think wow she's thin yet today we wore the same sized tops. I can wear size 10 trousers too (apart from being a bit tight around the waist) so do people look at me the same? I doubt it because usualy my clothes are too big so you can't see what size I really am but again I have an ample chest and she doesnt. Most people seeing us together will see that much and not the rest I think. Why can't I see that in myself? all I see is a huge belly sticking out :( and fat legs and huuuuuge calves.

Ive been at work all day, didn't expect to be but the kids were sorted so its ok. Only had 1 bar and a vanilla coffee (1/2 pack) since I got home and had a bit of chicken and cucumber at work. No idea what I had to drink but hasn't been much cos we were busy. Might have had 1 1/2 litres of water if I'm lucky. Must get glugging....
Hey hun, I think that we will continue to see ourselves at out bigger size for a long time...even though I've gone from size 18 trousers to size 14's, I still dont think I actually look any thinner than I was, but of course I am, otherwise I'd stil be wearing the 18's! Have you taken any pics of youself at the beginning and in between and now that you could maybe compare to see wat you actually look like? Mirrors distort things, I still see the old me in my mirror!

I am sure people look at you and think, wow, she looks fantastic!!!
Hmmmm, I am not alone!!!!!!!!!

I look in the mirror and see jelly belly city!!!

I see the same belly as I did 5 stone ago, why tho, coz 5 stone ago I was a size 20/22, now Im a size 12 and I dont get it!!

With clothes on I have to admit I look a heck of a lot better but without, scary!!

I wonder if my mind will ever catch up, maybe we need to speak to DQ about the mirror excersise thingy that she does, we really need to appreciate what we look like now!
Glad to see i'm not alone on this one - I still see fat ugly old me when i look in the mirror. And feel just as fat as i did at the beginning, maybe even more so (and all because of an extra 16 lbs!). Grrrr!
Took a picture as suggested I think I still look huge in it but definately not as bad as I used to.

Bear in mind its almost 11 pm and I'm tired lol oh and ignore all the ps2 games the kids have slung all over the floor I just havent picked them up yet lol

Ok here's me when I first started Cd

ok here's me in the dress (urgh)
It's not the most flattering one, but you should see MY before pics! My ones are the type to keep away from kids, as they are the stuff of nightmares!! The new one's heaps better!