new year, new start, new me :0

morning girls

well the weekend was about 80% good.

monday ee day
breakie - bran flakes 35g (hxb) with semi skimmed milk (hxa) with strawberries on top
lunch - mixed salad with cucumber, tomoatoes, peppers and left over sw made donner kebab
dinner - pasta with tune
snacks - an apple, strawberries ryivta minis (4 syns) rest of milk for tea
morning everyone.

well i had naughty food for dinner oppps

breakfast - 35g bran flakes (hxb) with milk (hxa) with strawberries
lunch - mixed salad with peppers, cucumber, tomatoes and bacon
dinner - salmon fillets in a sauce (syns) with peas and slimming world chips
snacks -2 x apples, strawberries and rest of my milk for teas

i want to exercise but this weather doesnt help makes me just wanna hide away
Yoo hoo... I am just popping on, not got much access to a pc until Thursday when sky come fix ours up, so, have to come on via phone until then... Hope wi goes ok this week for you and that you get back on track after your fab hols... Thanks for texting while I was on the move, all is well with that for now...xx
thanx for checking in chelle glad to hear everything is ok.

last night i made slimming world potaote gratin it was lush

wednesday ee day

breakie - 35g bran flakes (hxb) with milk (hxa) and strawberries
lunch - pasta with bacon, tuna and a little bit of light salad cream (syns)
dinner - gammon steak with left over potatoe, broccali and cauliflower
snacks - an apple, strawberries, ryvita minis (4 syns) rest of my milk a choice
morning girls

well today and dreaded scale day. i am hoping for a loss but we will have to wait and see :) fingers crossed

thursday 14th june red day ( i think not sure please advise)
breakie - melon
lunch - salad with cucumber, tomatoes, pork sausage (4 syns i think)
snacks - ryvita mini x 2 (hxb) 250ml semi skimmed milk (hxa) apple and strawberries
weigh in
dinner - chicken quorn pieces in toritilla wrap x 2 (16 syns but after weigh in it doesnt matter :))
dessert - weigh watchers chocolate brownie cake (yummy) syns not sure

i here for inform you girls i promise that from tomorrow i will do at least half hour exercise every day i get home from work, either zumba, wii fit or the shred or one work out dvd i have i have many :)
Sounds good to me!

Good luck for later x

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morning lovely ladies

well last night i lost half a pound was hoping for more but as least i am going the right way again. i brought the new love dessert book its lovely makes me hungry looking through it, cant wait to cook from it.

friday 15th june RED DAY
breakie - melon
lunch - mixed salad with cucumber, tomoates, onion and sausages (about 4 syns i think)
dinner - pork loin chops with broccali, cauliflower, curley kale and mushrooms
snacks - apple, strawberries, hxa, 250ml semi skimmed milk and 3 x mini babybell lights hxb, ryvita minis and 2 x hifi light bars

if there is anything that seems wrong here please tell me
Half a pound off is a good start babe... it is better than sts, or a gain, will make you focus on what you need to do next week to lose more, and it could just be your body is adapting to the sudden change back to good ways... Keep going...xx
morning everyone

well weekend wasnt great, i had dominos on friday night watching the football, saturday i ate a lot of bbq food and consumed alot of alchol, sunday i had bad stuff as well so weekend was a bit of a wipe out, oh well line drawn under it


monday 18th june ee day
breakie - melon
lunch - mixed salad with cucumber, tomoatoes, raw onion, and chizo sausage (syns?)
dinner - chicken, with mushrooms and rice
snacks - hxb - ryivta mins hxa - 250ml semi skimmed milk an apple and strawberrys

i plan to do half hour of wii fit when i get home every night this week
morning / afternoon
i am back at work today and back on the diet, tuesday and wednesday i wasnt 100% good but i wasnt really bad. not sure what will happen at weigh in, a loss i am hoping

thursday 21st ee day
breakie - muller light
lunch - pasta in sauce with sweetcorn and chiorzo sausage (syns?)
dinner - left over home made lasgne with sw chips
snacks - 2 x apples, ryvita minis hxb 250ml semi skimmed milk hxa
2lbs on for me last night wasnt expecting that so got quite upset, gotta get back on this if i dont start going the right way might have to try something different.

friday ee day
breakie - muller light
lunch - new batchelors deli box noodles bbq beef flavour (1.5 syns) with added sweetcorn
dinner - pork or gammon steaks with mushrooms, broccali and new potatoes
snacks - ryvita mini hxb 250ml semi skimmed milk hxa an apple