new year, new start, new me :0

Morning x

Have a great day :)

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morning girls

i am really unsure what to do i just keep falling off the band wagon had a bad weekend again lots of working thought but food wise not to great :(

monday ee day 25th june
breakie - muller light
lunch - chicken and mushroom pasta in sauce with added sweetcorn
dinner - chicken wrapped in bacon with smash and vegtables
snacks - 250ml semi skimmed milk (hxa) ryvita minis (hxb) an apple

did my online shopping last night so big delivery tonight so hopefully i can get back onto this properly, i really need to feeling fat and horrible where i have eaten bad food :(
lollypop1985 said:
morning girls

i am really unsure what to do i just keep falling off the band wagon had a bad weekend again lots of working thought but food wise not to great :(

monday ee day 25th june
breakie - muller light
lunch - chicken and mushroom pasta in sauce with added sweetcorn
dinner - chicken wrapped in bacon with smash and vegtables
snacks - 250ml semi skimmed milk (hxa) ryvita minis (hxb) an apple

did my online shopping last night so big delivery tonight so hopefully i can get back onto this properly, i really need to feeling fat and horrible where i have eaten bad food :(

Have you thought of doing what I did and have a break? It worked wonders for me and made me realise how much better I felt about taking charge of what I eat... It could be that you are just mentally jaded as you have been following the plan for a while now... Even if its just a couple of days, where you sit down and reassess what you want to achieve... Even if means you swap SW for something else like WW... I am here and via phone if you need me whatever you decide...xx
Hi hun. If it's any help you're not alone in struggling ATM. I've lost my way a bit and although I start each day fairly well it all goes wrong at night. Think it's down to lack of planning and being tired and listless (probably due to the rubbish I've eaten) so not bothering to cook properly. Maybe we can help lift each other out of this downward spiral. :D Hope today has been better for you. :D
morning girls

well i am having a red day today

tuesday red day

breakie - 35g kellogs bran flakes (hxb) with some milk from my 375ml skimmed milk allowance (hxa)
lunch - ryvita wholegrain cracker breads x 6 (hxb) with 75g philli light (hxa)
dinner - pork or gammon with fried peppers and other veg
snacks - an apple, sugar free energy drink, ham, cucumbers
morning girls

wednesday red day

breakie - melon
lunch - ryvita wholegrain cracker breads x 6 (hxb) with 75g phili light (hxa) and ham
dinner - chicken breasts made into sw korma with rice - DO I NEED TO SYN THE RICE ON A RED DAY OR CAN I USE IT AS A HXB?
snacks - 2 x plums, kiwi, apple, cucumber, tomatos 375ml skimmed milk (hxa) sugar free energy drink
Yes you need to syn rice as rice isn't a HE. You could have potatoes or pasta instead?

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lollypop1985 said:
morning girls

wednesday red day

breakie - melon
lunch - ryvita wholegrain cracker breads x 6 (hxb) with 75g phili light (hxa) and ham
dinner - chicken breasts made into sw korma with rice - DO I NEED TO SYN THE RICE ON A RED DAY OR CAN I USE IT AS A HXB?
snacks - 2 x plums, kiwi, apple, cucumber, tomatos 375ml skimmed milk (hxa) sugar free energy drink
I hexb it...xx
good morning

well not a clue what will happen on them scales tonight
i have a college interview today which i am pretty nervous about

thursday ee day
breakie - melon and muller light
lunch - ryvita wholegrain cracker bread (hxb) with phlili (syns?)
snacks - apple, plum, kiwi 375ml skimmed milk (hxa)
weigh in

dinner - sw quiche with bacon, mushrooms and peppers in side with sw chips and baked beans :)
Hope the scales are kind to you tonight too. Good luck for the interview as well!!! :)

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