Nomes diaries

Tracking today-

Breakfast- medley bar- 4pp

Lunch- subway- 8pp

Snacks- 1/2 potato bread-2pp
2 Cadbury chunks- 3pp
Individual bag of tangyastics- 4pp
Snacks- 3pp
Dinner- 5 skinny sausages- 10pp

34pp used- 20 weeklies left

This may change :)
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Tracking no good!! All weeklies bar 3 used now :(

Simply filling day
Breakfast- all bran and skimmed milk


Lunch- 2 ww petit pains

Dinner- lean steak with mushrooms and actifry chips
I know how you feel nomes - I've gone waaaay over my weeklies already :-/ *bangs head against brick wall*
Thursday. But I'm in the middle of moving home so it's difficult to cook up things from scratch. Plus I've just been a pig!
Sooo didn't stick to diet after lunch- crapload of choc and Chinese :(

New day tomorrow. Think I'm best not pp and just sf all the way :(
Hey Nomes I've been off plan all weekend (but I enjoyed it) I'm following SF as far up to Xmas as humanly possible, not gonna have any pp days if I can help it - it throws me off completely, I think I just kind of think oh I can have something and point it into my day and have more rubbish than good stuff! When I have to use my weeklies for naughty things it makes me think harder before eating it! Xx
Used 100 weeklies - but at least I've tracked them. Doing a bit of housework so by the time I go to bed it'll hopefully be 97 lol!
You're the same as me becks- cant do pp the healthy way but simply filling makes me think twice before naughty food.

It starts all over again!!

How much do you have to goal? X
Nomes said:
You're the same as me becks- cant do pp the healthy way but simply filling makes me think twice before naughty food.

It starts all over again!!

How much do you have to goal? X

Same! Ive fell completely off the wagon this weekend. Doesn't help that I've been home alone as the boyf has been working. I've just picked and picked at naughty food in between packing the flat up. When he's here (or othera are around) i feel more in control for some reason? But when alone, i scoff! Probably because no one can see me???

I've had such a tummy ache today due to the stuff I've eaten. Proves how SF makes me feel soooo much healthier and not so sluggish.

New day tomorrow for us hun :) xxx
I can't wait to feel all healthy again! I honestly feel great on simply filling, although I do enjoy the naughty food!

I haven't decided on my goal yet, I was thinking 10st 7lb but prob try to get to 10st. I really need to focus on toning up though I have lots of wobbly bits that really upset me. My boobs are awful right now. I really don't know what to do!

Mets when I'm off on school holidays I eat more I think it's boredom because there is noone around. Im deffo someone who likes a bit of time to themselves but only for an hour or so!

New day tomorrow for all of us girls! Xx
Def a new start- I cleaned tonight do scraped back a little damage! Sf it is :)

My goal is 11st but would love 10.7. Thinking of trying for a baby after Christmas so even 11 would be fantastic- to be free wow!

Last wi showed 11.6 1/2 so here's hoping :)
You're really close Nomes! And exciting stuff about trying for a baby!

My boobs were never in proportion to the rest of me and have gotten even smaller with weight loss. They are like deflated balloons! X
That's great your thinking of trying for a baby next year nomes :) gives you some motivation and something to strive for! Were almost same weight my scales are showing around 11 stone 5 mark at the moment!
Oh and my boobage is a mere handful ha I always relied on my booty but according to OH on Friday it's shrinking in my jeans :(. Noooo
What's frustrating is that I've been within the last half stone since the start of September - but not giving up!

You're close too star- what height are you!? I'm 5.6 so 11st is the top of the goal range but then it's free :)

I'm worried in case I put on a ton of weight if I conceive but sf should be a baby friendly regime