SA's 810 and beyond diary a.k.a My daily kick up my own behind ;-)

Hi Serena, I keep meaning to come and stalk you at the cd centre, only trouble is I cant find the right glasses that mean I will ACTUALLY be able to see your,as you so bloody tiny.
Your head will catch up, and I think that you are right to give it some time for that to happen.
Huggles as always my darling.
Thanks for your comments everyone.

Sorry I sound like I've been fishing for compliments or something but the problem is I see other peoples' stats/dress sizes and compare myself with them, which makes me feel inadequate as though I've set my sights too low. I know I shouldn't compare as what's right for one person is not right for another but...well...I dunno.

Bren, that's an interesting suggestion about writing down three positive things each day before bed, why is it so easy to be positive about others but so hard when it comes to ourselves? :sigh:
Day 47

Today has been like an action replay of yesterday, even down to the food (well almost).

I really have to try and get myself enthused with life a little more, it's such a precious thing and yet I am seemingly content to drift aimlessly through it. Mind you I suppose we all have those moments of feeling like that.

I guess CD has been my "hobby" for the last few months. I sometimes wonder what on earth I used to think about all day before I started the plan! Actually, I do :rolleyes: Either planning to eat it or beating myself up over it.

Thought for the day:

"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars."
Hi my darling, Ive just drifted for too long, its seems thats what the nice ones do, so come on girl, you deserve happiness and and fullfilled life, so never forget that, your a total star, and your comment about comparing your stats to others, well no offence love, but I wont be comparing mine to yours, cos I would just look sooooo silly at your size, even more so in your jeans, my hotpants
Hi hon,

Kinda know how you feel. It's hard sometimes to see that ''new'' person in the mirror, the person others see. I seriously asked this guy I was out for dinner with the other night 'so, do you think I'm fat?'. He was like 'huuuuuuh? what are you talking about???' hahaha. I felt soo embarassed for asking.

Not to worry though, you look absolutely lovely and tiny! Your head will catch up ;)

My CDC said it could help to gather your 'lost weight' in kilograms/pounds, put it in a bag and carry it around for half an hour. After that you can put it down and you will symbolically have shed the weight. She said it really helps a lot but I've yet to find a bag that can handle 82lbs LOL!!

Lostris what a thought. I think that is very worthwhile....... definitely food for thought!

Serena the mind is powerful next time you look in the mirror or put on something and it fits be proud of yourself and love how you feel and look (tell yourself that). XXX

Penny congrats, I've just noticed your stats, fabulous work.

I was reading what you said about cd being a hobby.Its funny Rosie said to me the other day'you will miss it when you finish'Its bizzarre as I just want to finish and be done,however I know where shes coming from,I remember a while back I had an absolute mountain of washing.I waded through it day after day and washed the whole lot.I remember thinking thank god for that,but the next day I thought actually now what am I going to do,its an odd feeling of course I just wanted that washing done and out the way,but I no longer had the challenge of it and felt a bit flat obviously we need challenges and thats what makes us stronger!!
I think my new challenge will have to be "find a bag that can hold 82lbs and lug it about" (or I could kill two birds with one stone by simply finding an old bag who weighs 82lbs - practically any Hollywood celeb will do :D)
Day 48

Groundhog day again...

Not looking forward to my weigh-in tomorrow evening after last week's chocfest. Having said that I didn't have a great loss last week so I might be due to catch up a bit this week anyway - although my official weigh-in was 1lb off I actually lost less than that but our CDC always rounds our losses up or down (I've always posted my official results on here regardless of whether or not they go in my favour).

We shall see...

I'll be moving up to 1200 calorie step regardless so that's something to look forward to. :)

Thought for the day:

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."
Good luck with your weigh in Serena and I hope you shift that last lb!!
I have started seeing a new CDC and this one says they dont believe in following rigidly the steps in the yellow book as im not to get too hung up on weighing or counting calories. I have been advised to have 2 shakes a day and to have the remaining 1500 or so calories as healthy foods of all kinds. CDC worked out i need 1900 Cal a day to maintain my current weight. Having done SS+ and 810 for so long, it has frightened the life out of me being told to go and eat whatever i want and have free rein.I think i WILL try and abide by the book as i need the direction, if you know what i mean? It is wonderful to be able to eat anything now and i ate a potato wedge from hubby/daughters tea and it was lovely lol :D.
This part of the journey is the part im most worried about so continue to excel Serena and i can follow you, so no pressure lol! :p
Good luck Serena with you WI hun!

Bren - thanks! xx

Hey Sleepybird, you aint done too bad yourself me old mucker...can I follow you instead?!! Hmmn, you'll be gradually working your way up to your maintenance level of 1900 calories per day, right? I've had the odd sneaky food swap here and there but nothing too drastically off plan (e.g. had quorn sausages for tea tonight instead of plain quorn mince). That way if it all goes Pete Tong I can blame Cambridge instead of me :D

You'll be fine hunni as long as you work your way up gradually, you've done so well it puts me to shame :)
Day 49

I cannot believe I am about to post this...

I've done it - for the first time in my entire life I have reached my target weight :D

Huge, huge thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way with much appreciated advice and encouragment, CD would have been a heck of a lot harder for me without you all (not that my journey is quite over yet of course!)


Thought for the day:

"Keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final."
That's great! Well done, bet you won't be able to stop grinning all weekend! You need to change it on your ticker tho! Congrats again, you've done so well. Can't wait til i'm posting the same!
Hi, I'm enjoying reading your posts. I did CD before but got preg and now need to start again. I especially want to see how people get on with maintaining as I know that will be my biggest challenge. I don't start till May but will obviously enjoy reading about your journey while I prepare. All the best and keep up the good work.... for us who are looking up to you as well as pressure haha!
Told you before, will tell you again.

