ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

yip it is! But I was bad enough, all my sisters had no morning sickness. I didn't mind though, loved being pregnant, that feeling of growing something so small and perfect inside, waiting to see what you have, the little kicks, seeing it on the scan...everything makes it all worth it
Have hanky panky?? But we're not marrie... lmao..
Yea read up on it all.. its recommended at least every 2 days during the 'fertile window'...
I did mention it when i was at the hospital having my tests n treatment but was told "you're not here for that right now so speak to your doctor"!!! Very helpful!!! NOT!! Its not always around ovulation time.. But mostly yea.. Maybe a week before.. If that..
I do plan on seeing the doctor sooner rather than later as I've not been feeling 'right' for a couple of weeks now so before anything gets a chance to set in/develop I want it sorted..
Ah i'm sure i'm just lacking in something or other.. I just feel constantly tired.. N I want to get my IBS sorted once n for all.. It cud well be just down to that that i'm exhausted all the time too..
But rather than feel crap for weeks/months on end and moaning but not doing anything I want to get it done..
Not married lol - I laughed out loud at that one Frances hehe!!

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Laaaadies, if theres somert wrong get it checked ... Better to put your mind at ease! Ive turned into a bit of a hypochondriac .. Im always googling illnesses hahaaa .... Xxxxx
*Claire-Bear* said:
Laaaadies, if theres somert wrong get it checked ... Better to put your mind at ease! Ive turned into a bit of a hypochondriac .. Im always googling illnesses hahaaa .... Xxxxx

I google illnesses and then it frightens me! I should Definitely stop! I agree get yourselves checked!

Hee hee Sarah.. I giggles while typing it..

Oh me too Sarah.. How silly are we?? I have had myself diagnosed with diabetes n cancer at one stage.. at difference times like.. not all at once ha ha..
Am defo gona go get checked over tho.. just need to find the time.. I also need to get to the optician as my new glasses make me even more blind!!! and the dentist... As i've another swollen gum over my wisdom and a blister on it which I keep biting everytime I eat something... good job I've VHI!!!!
Just burnt 400 cals in the gym .... Woooooop xxxxx xxxxx
*Claire-Bear* said:
Just burnt 400 cals in the gym .... Woooooop xxxxx xxxxx

Brilliant hon :) I had a jog tonight and died coughing after... Its like the cold air is hurting my lungs lol!

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Bless yaa ..... Very well done tho .. I did 2 miles on the treadmill and 4 miles on the bikes woop xxxxx
That's class hon!! You have anything nice for dinner? X

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I need to stop smoking so I can do stuff like that! I managed 2k lol!

azwethinkweiz said:
That's class hon!! You have anything nice for dinner? X

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.. Errrm had a bacon and egg bagel .. Bit rubbish, mainly coz we got no food in .... Otherwise it would have been yummyyyyy ... You?

Ruth, bless ya .. its better than doing nothing eh =) xxxxx
Did ya run 2k Ruth? Not sure how far I'm going... Doing c25k and just going my own comfortable pace jogging.
I had shepherds pie Claire, was yummy. Probs a gain at weigh in tomorrow even though I kept within weeklies but sure what can I do... I'm trying me best!

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*Claire-Bear* said:
.. Errrm had a bacon and egg bagel .. Bit rubbish, mainly coz we got no food in .... Otherwise it would have been yummyyyyy ... You?

Ruth, bless ya .. its better than doing nothing eh =) xxxxx

I suppose so, however I'm a fitness instructor.... Oh dear :p

azwethinkweiz said:
Did ya run 2k Ruth? Not sure how far I'm going... Doing c25k and just going my own comfortable pace jogging.
I had shepherds pie Claire, was yummy. Probs a gain at weigh in tomorrow even though I kept within weeklies but sure what can I do... I'm trying me best!

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Mmmmmmm ...your doing fab ... Even if you dont loose, your making your body so healthy ... Think how strong your hearts becoming from your exercise =) xxxxx
Trefoil said:
I suppose so, however I'm a fitness instructor.... Oh dear :p


Seriously? Wat ya like eh ... So does your job involve training people? Xxxxx
Claire- I'm an aerobics instructor so about to start teaching classes- have a bad back injury! I do have clients that I provide programmes and support for!

Sarah- I did run 2k but my lungs and back were majorly giving out on me!

I'm even having a cig as I write this im dreadful :(

Trefoil said:
Claire- I'm an aerobics instructor so about to start teaching classes- have a bad back injury! I do have clients that I provide programmes and support for!

Sarah- I did run 2k but my lungs and back were majorly giving out on me!

I'm even having a cig as I write this im dreadful :(


Wow, sounds fun :) ... Sorry to hear about your back .... So many things you can't do without your back intact : ( xxxx