Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

I'll down the pub ignoring it all thank god
I'd like to watch the actual ceremony, plus the journeys either way, but I'm meant to be having some trees chopped down so don't know if I'm expected to help or if I can slope off. Trev's at work.
I'm normally a rabid republican Jo, but this is a big one, so I thought i'd just enjoy it as a spectacle - and I'm girly enough to want to see the dress :)
I remember watching Charles and Diana's wedding as a teenager and never even considered that one day I would be watching their child get married. I may not be around to watch Kate and William's children get married in another 30 years time.
I got married the same year as C & D did :eek::eek::eek: how old does that make me feel :rolleyes: ah well - might watch, might not, depends on how sunny it is and the lure of topping up the tan for the holidays lol
I want to see the dress... if we could watch the reception I might have been glued to the screen!
UGH! no royal wedding talk please :(
Afternoon lovely Bren xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - and everyone else.

Busy old day here - got off to a bad start - no hot water eeeek - then a couple of nasty little media enquiries. But am edging towards 6pm and home time yaye!

How is everyone?
yay - what are your plans for the weekend seeing as you on call?
Not on call this weekend yaye - so it's tomatoes and tellie for me :)

Getting a complete hair makeover tomorrow - big loose curls in a perm - and a colour, probably just slightly lighter brown.
oooh good on the weekend and fab on the new 'do' how are you getting on with that new drier?