Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Tomatoes, telly and terrific hair!
Sounds absolutely wonderful Susie :D
I'm getting tomato'd up!!
Morning Susie love :)
Morning all, hope you're having a good day so far, desoute the weather. Will get the salon to take a pic if I remember - feel a bit nervous, silly really :eek:
Failed completely on the pic front guys, sorry - but had a slight change of plan, the hairdresser said I had enough curl to not worry about a perm - so dye, cut, treatment and blowdry - and I have to say the result is great. Very glossy hair - and much more curly - even rushed out and bought a diffuser - god knows if I'll actually use it! :)

Watched The Kiss there too - it was hilarious, they had a tiny portable tellie set up by a guy having his hair done, who suddenly found himself surrounded by five shrieking women in various states of hair does!

Then went to a party last night - good fun, lots of chatting and even a dance or two - so late start for me today :)
Evening Susie, have been in the yard all day soaking up the sun, lovely after a lie in here too (definite lurgy attacking both of us so we are planning to do very little tomorrow either).

Your party sounds like it was a good night, was it impromptu or planned? Boo on no piccy - did you wuss out on us lol xxxx
Re the pic, I honestly forgot, then tried to take a pic of myself in the mirror but it wasn't successful!

Impromptu party, a friend moved into a new flat and wanted to celebrate :) How was the gig? And why do you have another lurgy? Are you taking all your vitamins???

Busy afternoon pottering in the kitchen - tuna mornay (minus pasta, natch), I used the schwartz hollandaise sachet and it tasted ok, then made beef stir fry salad for lunch tomorrow. Am trying to clear the house of all the higher carb things so I can go very clean and green when I get back from Italy (less than a week to go woohoo!) :)
Gig was great, they forgot the words a couple of times but everybody just laughed and carried on :D

I have a lurgy because my lovely boss came into work full of one and I have been expecting it. Best get it out of the way now before the hols though. Yes I take my vitamins (although I don't need to while on TFR as they contain all you need), just need to keep away from lurgified people but not easy unfortunately xxx
Morning Susie, urrg Bren, not nice love
Morning Jimbo - another great day here!

Good news you're coming to London next week, wish I could meet up with you but will be heading to Italy :)
Evening Susie :)
Now i'm back, i'm sitting here jealous of your italy trip! Very exciting and i know you will love it!
Thx Katie

Bren - I'm flying next Sat afternoon :) Just made your flax porridge to take to work for breakfast, all I need to do is add water when I get there. Might get some Total 0% yoghurt to have with it, been craving it and it's about 4g carbs per 100g. Need something other than eggs :)