Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Jim - it's going to be wet and sticky in Twickers on Saturday

No change there then ;)
LOL as an ex-resident I agree - Katie might beg to differ, though.

Groan, desperate to go home but waiting for the BBC to call :(
Twickenham was lovely when I went to hand in my coursework on Tuesday :p
Hello cherubs, just home from work - 10.32pm - I really need a change of career. Halfway through something very important tonight, I thought "I can't be bothered with this anymore...."

Time to buy lottery tickets bigtime :)

Hope you've all had a great night. I'm having a tomato and catching up on Castle, then bed (no Midsomer because of footie bah humbug). Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite my friends xxx
Susie, we have a new Atkineer lives near you, check out Dana's intro thread

Morning :)
Certainly wouldn't want to be getting home from work at that time Susie. When I get my lottery win ill remember you. ;)
Thanks Jo!

Morning all, and cheers Jim, I'll say hi to Dana :)

Up at 6am this morning, off to vote at 7.15am - and it took ages! Quite a queue of people (all voting no, if anyone's interested) but good to see :)
Afternoon Susie, that was a really late night, was it the Beeb that made you so late? We are off to vote tonight after work, combined with a dog walk probably. Still not sure which way to swing lol xx
LOL Bren, I think a lot of people are undecided - but I went through proportional representation (same thing as AV) in OZ so an easy decision for me. It was so confusing for people that they were staying away for voting in droves, which defeated the point - so in the end the government had to make voting legally compulsory. And after all that expense (it adds millions to election costs) and confusion, it didn't change anything and the minority parties stayed minorities!

Stayed until 9.30pm last night to catch up with a lot of stuff that will be happening while I'm away, and then got stuck in traffic because of an accident at a busy intersection. At least I got to see Castle :)
Evening Susie
Hope you feel better and get a good nights sleep
oooooooooo Susie, hope the neurofen works quick, am waiting for mine to arrive (soon I hope to get it out of the way for the hols) hope you sleep ok xxxxx love you too xxxxx
Morning Squeezy :D
Afternoon all

Feeling much better, great night's sleep and hayfever has settled down, everything is falling into place for my big event and it's not too manically busy yaye!

Hope you're all having a great day xxx
Afternoon Susie, glad you are feeling much better today flower :D
Possible gig for us tonight if we feel up to it, clothes shopping for the hols over the weekend (and my birthday pressie too :) )
Looking at eternity rings as my wedding and engagement rings are now on my middle finger as you know so want something to go on the normal ring finger so I don't keep getting tapped up lol ;)