Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

LOL, looks good, want me to check it out this weekend Vicky?
oh would you Jim? then 3 lots of us can stay in there! how fun.
Yes, I'll go and have a look love and report back.
its called hotelboat katie Jim x
OK love, I'll nip over on Saturday.
just looked on that site and it looks like its a cruise but when ive gone on late rooms is looks as if its just hotel. imagine going to bed friday night and waking up somewhere different LOL.

If we book it for 5 of us - one twin room one double and one single room it would cost us 68 each for both nights.
oh Sh*t yeah i was gonna ask if he was going xmas shopping LOL
ah LOL, yes.

and hotelboat Katie, I'll remember that. :)
I think Colleen may have different plans for you this particular Saturday Jim! 25th December ring any bells? Lol

pmsl... well spotted Lisa. x
Still in bed I bet, and maybe not alone ;)