Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Thats coz you got a twinkly star!
Ooooooooo, Susie has a star - I wants one I wants one!!! :)
Ketchup or marinara?

Actually it doesn't matter, because I thought both were rank. :D I can just about stomach the ketchup mixed with mayo on prawns or salad - like a marie rose sauce, but yukky on its own.

Someone else here loves it though (Vicky maybe?)
Thanks hun - in the nutritional info it says Carbohydrates 27g of which 25g oligofructose and 2g mono-disaccharides - what are they? More of Jim's FFoods?
Evening Susie and all
Done most of my food shopping, got the turkey in the freezer but think I might have to get it out tomorrow to defrost as my kitchen is soooooooooooooo cold!
Night Susie.

We expect a full report on your night out tomorrow. :)
MORNING lovelies - or should I say 早安, 爸爸 :D:D:D. Thx for your comments, Jane - and nice to hear from you, welcome to the chaos that is my life :)

I am SO happy today -
- lost 2lbs despite some carby moments so that puts me in the 280s :D
- the snow is melting so it's safe for me to go out without falling on my arse :D
- Cinderella can go to the ball (don't be rude), first time out since before the famous Cat Trip Incident :D
- my accounts are all sorted
- I got my new printer/scanner/copier working last night yaye
- I got 8 hours' sleep :D

It has been ages since I woke up feeling so upbeat - Susie is getting her groove back! :D

Lisa & Water, I'll be dressed for warmth, not glamour, tonight, but might slap on some war paint :)

Hope you are all well and warm xxx