Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Morning all - internet back up yaye :)

I did get out of bed yesterday afternoon but didn't come on line, but nothing really to report. The Flirt did what he always does, kissed me when he arrived, was glued to my side like a limpet at the pub all evening until he left about 10pm (the rest of us got chucked out at closing time) and then off he went.

This has been going on for two years...He's married but not happily (wife is a globetrotting high flier type who is never home) but he never talks about it. I know he loves my company and not long after we started hanging out as friends, he made a thing of kissing me when we left to go home, but that's all he does - but this does seem a strange thing for a friend to do.

But he makes a thing of being with me and everyone thinks we are having an affair. I did suggest more one evening (yes it was late and we were all very boozed up) but he recoiled at the thought :eek:

So, that's the way it stays. I really don't want to be "involved" with a married man, so just try to think of him as a friend now - but have strong feelings for him, so it's all a bit confusing.

Please feel free to analyse :D

BTW am feeling much better today, hangovers are brutal!
Hangovers are always made much better by more alcohol my love.
When you say recoiled - explain? i will analyse if you like?
Analyse? Simple.....he likes the attention you give him and probably doesn't get that at home, but is afraid to take it further in case it disrupts his home life. Sorry to be brutal but you're worth more than that!
As you lose weight your confidence soars. You'll soon be fighting them off with a stick lol
yes sorry sus. agree with lisa - sounds like he is using you to make himself feel better :(
cor i hate men (apart from those on here obviously)
Yep I think you're spot on there, Lisa.

I had already decided to not see so much of him, and it helps that we don't work in the same building any more :)

As for the big stick, bring it on! I could do with someone nice in my life (five years since my last relationship :eek:, with a cross dressing manic depressive, boy can I pick 'em LOL)
with a cross dressing manic depressive
I thought i made bad bad choices! cor we are going to have some stories In march!
It's just like Frankie and Johnny! (Pacino not Presley).

ITA with Lisa and Vicky, the flirt is using you as an ego-booster. Get yourself a man who is into YOU, not himself Susie. :)
Morning hun. morning all

Just had the hugest sleep in - bed at midnight, (but toss turn grrr), woke up at 5am, back to sleep at 8, then woke up again now - feeling greeeaaaatttt! :D

Hope everyone's well today - the sun is even shining :)
Evening all

Off to a Christmas Eve party, so the "maybe alcohol" has turned into a definite :D

Have a lovely evening and speak soon!

OM Giddy Aunt I am so proud of myself - plates upon plates of lovely canapes from Waitrose at the party last night - and I said no! :eek::D Never done that before....:)

Merry Xmas (again) xx
I know, I keep ringing people to show off! :D

Had a handful of nuts and some small cookies tonight, but otherwise it's been clean and green all the way today :)

Well I drank my own body weight in red wine, so not expecting a loss this week - but onwards and downwards for January :)

Lovely day here, blue-ish sky and mild - hope it's nice where you are! Just watched a family of wrens playing in the back garden, really made me smile :)