Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Yes that's probably a big part of it, Di.

At the heart of it is my need to recognise that it's not actually about me and my feelings. Bringing a child into the world is such a huge responsibility, and the focus shifts completely onto what's best for them.

Strangely, Orbs has been very cuddly last night and this morning before I left - wonder if she picked up on my mood? :)
I'm an "older" mom. And tho I don't have as much energy as the younger moms I have LOADS more patience and understanding. Not everything children do involve running about. There's no right or wrong time to have children, there are benefits to both older and younger parents. There's just wrong reasons for having children.
I also think that older parents usually have established careers (I happily gave mine up to look after my little girl) and so are, generally, more educated and secure. These are all major pluses in a child's life.
Every person will give you something they wished they could have changed about their parents, older, younger, thinner, fatter, cooler, not trying so hard, etc. But no child ever thinks "I wish my parents didn't love me so much", and, ultimately, that's what's most important to a child. Even if that's something they will only really realise when they're no longer children.
So many wise words in here...I don't really have any to add, but I'll send one of these :bighug: and wish you all the best whatever you decide. xx
locket said:
Every person will give you something they wished they could have changed about their parents, older, younger, thinner, fatter, cooler, not trying so hard, etc. But no child ever thinks "I wish my parents didn't love me so much", and, ultimately, that's what's most important to a child. Even if that's something they will only really realise when they're no longer children.

Exactly this.
What amazing women you all are -:happy096: - thank you for your incredible responses.

Happy to say I'm home now and don't have to go to the dance gig tonight :D
Body clocks are funny things Susie and can play tricks on us, my children are 16 and 13 and I can honestly say I hadnt thought of having another child until very recently. I think for me it is age related, as I approach 50 and the menopause ,I have a great sense of sadness that my youthfulness and fertility are coming to an end. I am very aware of my 13 year old daughter's vibrancy and whole life ahead of her whilst in sombre moments I feel I am now entering my declining years( does that make sense?)
Really I have no intention of having another child but the feeling is there . Big squidgey hugs as you contemplate the next stage in your life x
Ooooh hello!!!!! I fear Saturday will not just be Morroccan bathroom chat.... maybe me bring AJ for our girly day could be a good guider on the children front babes!

I love them, give my life up for them, wouldn't swap them....... well apart from those days when Paul & I would love to do the sliding doors senario!!!!

Of course a naked Steve Backshall couls mean that AJ is out of the picture & that you & I have to behave ourselves around Jakey instead!!
And here I am, off for a fortnight all inclusive, adult only...................I have no say in this matter at all, in a good way xxx
Woohoo - am so excited for you hun - we will all miss you so much, but I know you'll have a really wondrful time! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Morning all

Am working from home today, so should get a lot done. Really glad too, it's horrible outside!

No idea what's on the menu today...not very hungry at the moment.
LOL Lisa - alcohol always make me hungry later, I usually scavenge among the fridge leftovers! :)

Think Scrumbles is right, I am going to cut out alcohol and all s/f stuff for a week, two if I can cope! I've got one bottle of emergency wine hidden away and that's it.

WI today is showing 6lbs down so far, so let's hope it stays that way for proper Week 1 WI tomorrow. Not bad considering all the rubbish I've been eating this week - a MIM loaf, loads of booze, Atkins bars and not enough green leafiness :eek: Not very good at following my own advice!
That's great on the 6lbs Susie. Love the emergency wine. Wouldn't last a day in my house. Drank most of bottle of rose wine last night myself. :(
Wow, fab loss Susie. I reckon if you can go totally clean and green for a couple of weeks (and you know you can do it!) you'll see more big losses! Low appetite is a good sign too.
Wow Susie 6lb is amazing. Keep up the good work! I'm not good at taking my own advice either. Went in the garage last night on the way home for dog food and loo rolls, came away with booze and fags too lol.
Oh no Lisa, it's too easy to do - that's why i do online food shopping whenever I can - otherwise I'd come away with pizza and other chit :)
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6lbs is excellent Susie - go girl! :D And you did that in spite of the booze etc, so your body must be very responsive to this way of eating. I totally agree with ML that you'll get more big losses with clean and green.

Go for know you can! :D
Thanks honey - and all others - for the encouragement! :)

I think I do do well on low carbs, but am also A1 at sabotaging myself...a much cleaner and greener week is coming up :)

God I love working from home, have powered through stuff this morning! Time for lunch. Had a couple of friend eggs earlier and a cup of tea, now I think some lamb fried in lemon oil with cauli mash or creamy spinach is on the cards :)