Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Roger wilco...if there's any left....:)

Also had a thought about commuting from the coast. The rail prices are completely outrageous you know. To train it twice a week costs £432 a month. A season ticket (to travel every day) is just £435 a month. I argued the toss with Southeastern and all the man could say was that the season tickets were heavily discounted. They must be! So I might check with a few people who live close to work and see if they have a spare bed I could crash in once a week - will save me nearly £2k a year!
Hiya Bren - good to see you! :)

I've got the offer of a bed from the lady who composed the music for the Queen, which is lovely. We don't know each other really well but just clicked - so that's fab. However, got a call from the broker and there are more hoops to jump through for the mortgage, so the visit to the coast tomorrow is postponed until it's sorted.

The train is exorbitant! Maybe I'll get a car after all...running costs are so much cheaper.
So much stress about the flat Susie! Hugs xx
Thx love - no point in getting stressed, if it's going to happen, it will...she says, timers out to see how long it takes for me to start ranting about it here :D
Coconut milk is a no no for me ... Ha ha
Have you seen on FB, I have tagged myself at the all dayer gig on Sunday, see if you can spot me lol xx
Sounds interesting Susie... once I'm back on the losing game I'll give it a whirl ! Xx
Oooh I feel lovely, just had a long shower using some gorgeous gel I brought back from France, now giving myself a facial :)

It might be a Friday but the emergency red is staying in the cupboard :D
Well done Susie! That's huge control! Xxx
LOL not sure how long the control will last.

I can't actually stand the smell of red wine when I first open a bottle (no trouble drinking it, though!), so am trying to keep remembering how that makes me feel - who says we can't play tricks on our brains? :D
ladyfelsham said:
LOL not sure how long the control will last.

As long as you want it to! Stop saying you always sabotage yourself or you don't have discipline, that's not true. What's true is that you've slipped in the past but if you decide this time you're not going to slip at all then there's no reason that you need to. What's past is past, it doesn't define how you'll be in future - remember your great post on getting back from holidays where you decided to make changes. You can do it!
Thanks Moonlights - excellent post! :) I do have a backbone, I do, I do :)

Am off to bed with a good crime thriller while I wait up for HRO, who has gone a-wandering....night all xxxxx