Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Oooo, have fun with your new oven, Susie! My old one went phut over Xmas last year (great timing :eek::rolleyes:) and I know how lost I felt until we got the replacement in early January - microwaves are fine, but they can't do everything.

Mammoth would be very Atkins-friendly...good choice! :D
Hahaha you lot.

Sigh - have eaten my lunch and now I want it again....

On the plus side, all this spare time at work has meant I've found a courier to take my brother's stuff back to NZ without it costing a fortune. I am so embarrassed, he left stuff with me over two years ago and it has just sat in a box! One long overdue job - nearly done :)

Going to start a spring clean at home too this weekend and get rid of some junk, in anticipation of moving later in the year. Volunteers to help, anyone? :D
Afternoon Susie, if he has not needed the stuff for 2

I will see your woolly mammoth and raise you a brontosaurus - cannot stop eating at the moment, so much so that I am getting seriously worried as it is ALL the wrong stuff - the scales are doing nothing but go up - will have nothing to fit before long unless I can wind myself back in.......any suggestions? :(
Evening Susie... Will likely be working til 8 tomorrow with a 6am start so unlikely to be Ble to keeping eyes open long enough to meet up .. Would so love to though soon!! Xx
Worse day of the week tomorrow - cant wait for it to be over! Lol
Morning all

Flurry of excitement here as a slightly negative piece of coverage appeared this morning - but we should be able to kill it off, I hope, or at least water it down.

Looking forward to having tomorrow off! :)
Oooh what a lovely sleep - in bed by 10pm!

Can't believe I'm up this early on my day off, but am excited to finally get my brother's box of stuff picked up :) - hopefully it will all go smoothly!

I always get nervous for hours before with anything like this - trips, deliveries, and so on - silly really, but can't be helped :eek:

So I will be the same tomorrow, with (cross fingers) the new oven arriving!
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Hope the collection and delivery go well! I can get anxious about stuff like that too! Xx
LOL@Lisa :D Still waiting for the pick up...........

Also having to check work emails, people winding themselves up unnecessarily - but hopefully it's nearly sorted!

Nice day out there though, but been inside mostly - watched Little House on the Prairie and Murder She Wrote - and also managed to get a little snooze on the sofa :)
Woohaye - result on two fronts!

The carton has just been picked up AND all the managers also just agreed (finally) to follow my suggestion and not go for a clarification about the unhelpful article (it never helps). Had a load of emails from the Board, and calls from the principal and others today, and they've given me a stonking stress headache!

NOW I can relax :D Might have a cheeky wine soon....
LOVE Little House on the Prairie!!! Not seen it in yonks!!