Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Afternoon Susie, my goodness those views are stunning, if I could afford it I would love to live there!!!! Such a mood lifter just having that outside your window xxxx
That's is a lovely pad Susie!! And the views are stunning.....! If you look on my diary you'll see a few I took last night after sauntering 5 minutes down the road.....

I still never get bored of it!!

Alrhough I have to say the view from your office window is pretty awesome too!!

And woo hoo on the refund! How brilliant is that....!! They say it comes in threes and it's so your turn!! Flat next :) make sure you buy a lotto ticket!! x

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Morning and - and roger wilco on the lottery ticket, Jo! :)

Gorgeous day here! But am so far the only person on the entire floor...oh phew someone else has just arrived! :D

Am going to see the sea view flat tomorrow, but I started to get real reservations about it overnight. I know what this is about - as starting points, it's quite a long way from shops and transport, and it is quite small - but also, deep down, I know why I keep changing my mind. I've never had this much money before, and I will only have one shot at getting it right. The other flat is twice the size (more room for my Minimim friends to come stay lol) and it gives me much more scope to put my own mark on it. It's close to both the bus and train, and is around the corner from the shops.

So that's the dilemma - size vs seas...
They both have ideal aspects... Proximity to transport is very important - but so is a sea view! Tough decision Susie! Xxx
Was looking for a floor plan and found this
Same flat but the dimensions are different and bedroom 2 has turned into an internal room and grown to 7ft wide!! You can see the conservatory through the doors from the lounge. All a bit confusing, maybe this is from a previous sale?
Anyway, plus points are a share of the freehold, two sun rooms, good size lounge and main bedroom, nice kitchen, bathroom and views. Close to shops and station
Minus points are possibly dodgy estate agent details lol.
Thanks hun - both have share of freehold, actually, so that's something.

Orbit went awol last night (until 11.30!) and while I was waiting for her to come in, I really tried to pinpoint what my unease was about - then I remembered living by the beach in Sydney and never going anywhere. Same idea as here - it had fab views, but was miles from shops and transport, and I didn't go out at all until I bought a car.

The bigger one is the one I made the offer on earlier in the year - and all the legal problems have just about been sorted out - so it is a serious contender. And yes, the kitchen has real potential - but not with yellow walls :)
Hi Susie, fab windfall ya got there! Have to admit to being the teensiest bit jealous 'cos we just had to pay the revenue nearly a grand :cry: #bloodsuckers :(

How's the diet going? And which one are you on...I still can't keep up, lol :D

I watched that Horizon programme about fasting and it was very persuasive - perhaps not so much regarding weight loss but definitely in respect of the health benefits. The bit at the end about fasting causing brain cells to regenerate was truly amazing - I thought once you started losing those they were never replaced, so that's a real eye-opener. Not sure I could ever do it after what I felt on JUDDD, although maybe his pattern of 5:2 might be bearable. I'd have to think long and hard about it for sure!

Can't help with the flats...I like them both! :D
Oh Scrummie sorry you had to pay out! What a pain in the behind! :(

Re the diet, sort of verring towards low carb - but am going back to juddd once I get a few personal and work things out of the way. Iagree re the Horizon show, some of the data really appealed to me - having bashed myself about a bit over the years, nice to think redemption might be at hand! :D Speaking of which, time for a cold glass of white! :)

And sorry to all for what must seem like incredible indecisiveness over the flats - but as I said earlier, I only have one shot at making the right decision - and the more I think about it, the more the 3 bed appeals more - because of the space, and what I can do to it to really achieve the type of home I want.

Another blow against the sea view flat is whether Orbs would go over the edge! It looks like a pretty steep drop...
It's not terrible indecisiveness, you're just taking your time to make certain of what you want. What would be terrible would be to get to the other side having made a decision you regret, so take all the time you need. Personally I dint think sea views are always worth the extra cost if the other option is a nicer place. You can always step outside your door and take a little stroll and find the sea view waiting for you.
Afternoon all

Back from the coast - and!

I only got to see the seaview place, sadly, the owners of the other one are still away.

What can I say? The views ARE amazing - uninterrupted view from the living room, room sizes are good and you could just move in and do bits and bobs. But none of the rest of it appeals - further from the station than it appeared (and uphill!), small kitchen, it does need damp proofing, there is a dog using the communal garden so Orbs would be terrified, and a neighbour has commandeered most of the garden for growing veg - which is good, but reduces the privacy a lot.

Also - I don't think I told you the awful story - the couple who were living there must have been born under a very unlucky star. He got diabetes and didn't manage it, and ended up having a leg amputated. While that was happening, she got cancer. He then had to have the other leg taken off - and then she died, just six weeks ago. OMG. Their son lives in Oz and hasn't cleared the place so it's full of their stuff - and I felt quite uneasy and very sad there, I'm sure the building absorbs some of the trauma of the people living there!

So, all in all, I think it's a no.

However, if there can be a silver lining, it's this. After the agent told me their sad story, I made a list (love my lists :)) of the things I really want to do - and doing the Nile cruise was at the top - so that's what my windfall tax cheque is going towards! Christmas Day in Aswan, anyone? :D Am going to have a luxury trip, with top hotels etc, because my clever mind manages to avoid looking at how much it totals and simply deducts my tax return amount, leaving a much smaller amount that I can cope with spending - I really am a mathematical genius :D
I know what you mean about buildings absorbing things. I was never comfortable on my last house. Never told anyone but then someone stayed overnight to babysit and she couldn't get out if bed during the night to get a drink cos she felt something. I was later told a previous owner was a real tyrant and one day his wife came home and found him dead on the lounge floor! He was only early 40s. My current house is almost 140 years old and once I'm in with the door shut it just feels comfy despite all the dramas we have due to its age lol.
You will find the right place, probably when you're not really looking xx
Thanks hun, I agree completely.

TBH the 3 bedder is the one that gives me the warm cosy feeling - Linz and I got tingles when we were there! We walked out and just looked at each other with sureness in our eyes (iyswim). There was no doubt in my mind it was the right place for me and HRH and I made an offer straight away - and then the legal issues came up! But they have nearly been sorted out, so it could be all systems go (again) on Warrior Square :)

I feel quite shattered after all the walking today - happily, there's nothing nicer than a glass of cold white and some olives and feta to nibble on :) Would enjoy it much more if I didn't have Elvis in my head telling me "It's now or never..." :D