Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

pmsl ste - no wonder your website only has size six thats cos you have bought all the others yourself!
Happy New year to you! Did you have a nice xmas?
I've got so much done - cleaned out old paperwork, got rid of some old handbags and other stuff for the charity shop, done 5 loads of washing, made lunch and dinner, done the dishes, checked all the job boards and am now on my 2nd litre of water - phew! :)

Time for a nap! :)
I've got so much done - cleaned out old paperwork, got rid of some old handbags and other stuff for the charity shop, done 5 loads of washing, made lunch and dinner, done the dishes, checked all the job boards and am now on my 2nd litre of water - phew! :)

Time for a nap! :)

wowsers you have been busy!!!! :eek:
yes you have but no you dont need a nap surely?
JK :) But am going to have some time in front of the tellie now, and the heating's on - so may accidentally snooze off.

Oh, also ordered some homeopathy tablets for sleeping (recommended by a friend) so will be interesting to see how they go!
The best ones are dormidina x
I love my skechers Linz, I have several pairs, some lace up, some slip ons.

I got some skechers slippers for Christmas... I have never had slippers so warm & comfy!

Morning, hun x

Hey chick. x

LUSH!!! :D
I've got so much done - cleaned out old paperwork, got rid of some old handbags and other stuff for the charity shop, done 5 loads of washing, made lunch and dinner, done the dishes, checked all the job boards and am now on my 2nd litre of water - phew! :)

Time for a nap! :)

Wowzers... I've played house all morning, I always have to be the Daddy & was trying to explain that all he does is sit on the sofa reading the paper!

I know, daft eh? Maybe I should just go mad for once :D anybody got £115 to spare lol xx

Go for it Bren!
Wowzers... I've played house all morning, I always have to be the Daddy & was trying to explain that all he does is sit on the sofa reading the paper!

LOL, PMSL Linz. :)
Sorry peeps been browsing on eBay (for shoes without holes in them!) - sorry if I missed you, if not, have a great Friday and weekend.