Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

i made curry miracle noodles omg barfff well, they weren't THAT bad just not as i had expected, i think i need a chinese tasting curry and i ended up with an indian tasting curry, not right for noodles... back to the drawing board
Morning all

Got a fab six hours straight, then curled up and played with the cat for a bit before coming to work - nice start to the day :)

Had a lovely evening, with some potential good news about a flat - yes, another one! LOL. I just can't help it, maybe I'm OCD about, you know me, I'm just keen to find my new home and get settled - and I am a little terrier when I want something bad enough :) Anyhoo, a beautiful shared ownership block was built in September in Upper Sydenham, lovely high spec, really close to lots of parks - and the ground floor ones have private gardens (good for Orby!). Sadly they all went really quickly and I wasn't eligible because of the work contracting situation - however, the agent emailed me last night and said a ground floor 2 bed with garden was now available - somebody's finance has fallen through, I guess.

So, am going to see it on Sunday.

Here's the brochure -
Afternoon, flat looks lovely, I hope is the one, you deserve a change in fortunes......
Oooh green space anyone?

I know, I twigged about half ten last night, that the place is surrounded by three parks and has huge gardens round it. Fits rather spookily with what the fortune teller lady was saying about living somewhere more green :)

Afternoon Susie, that looks a nice place, how are they about pussies though? xxx

They are fine with pussies - Claire the sales lady says no problem :)

Afternoon, flat looks lovely, I hope is the one, you deserve a change in fortunes......

Thanks Sammy very kind of you to say. I'm a tough old buzzard though, so something will come good.

I could easily see me doing more exercise there though, especially around Crystal Palace. Where I currently live isn't very conducive to walking about!

And all that bench space. More gadgets! More gadgets! :D

But there are a few more hoops to jump yet....
Yeah but she blows off all the time, didn't you tell me? it's bad enough me doing that without someone else in the house joining in :D

My duvet cover has arrived and looks gorgeous! and the boss just reminded me about £160 worth of expenses I've got coming - so the duvet is already paid for. Hmmm says Susie, in her usual fantasy economy thinking, in that case what else can I buy??? :D I have my eye on an airfryer (in preference to the Tefal, because it has a baking tin with it so you can do omelettes, bread (shh) and so on) and this fab kettle - mine is about to give up the ghost -
ladyfelsham said:
Yeah but she blows off all the time, didn't you tell me? it's bad enough me doing that without someone else in the house joining in :D/QUOTE]
Only when she's eaten something she shouldn't! Today is a possibility as I dropped a tub of mini cheddars so she had a bit of a feast lol.

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I swear, no mini cheddars have passed these lips :D

Well it's a day for idiots to annoy me today, even without the help of pmt. Urgent call from the Evening Standard last night for a comment by 10am this morning, and everyone from the principal down is on the case - except for the key person, who can't be bothered responding to texts telling her to read her emails and has just sailed off into a meeting...I get paid half of what she does, and yet it's OK for me to be emailing people at 10pm at night while she just lets the side down. Grrrr....
Morning :) just thought I'd add when I was lookin for a house I was completely obsessed with right move! It got ridiculous ha

Grrr to that person at work!! Very annoying when they can't be bothered to do the job there paid to do!!

Have a good day. Xxx

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Done - and quite sneakily too, I might add :)

TG it's lunchtime - and LOL@Stef - I have a Rightmove addiction that has become quite serious! :D
Afternoon Susie, yay for pussies being ok lol :D
If there are any spare bonuses rocking around let me know, still waiting for mine despite hitting targets and smashing them in most cases. Really pisses me off it does. Nice kettle btw ;) xx
Haha it does get serious right!? I used to hound the estate agents too and after a while it use to just ring out, sure they all had my number written down to ignore it ha! Xxx

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