Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Wow I have just poured the first glass of my 4th litre - quite probably the first time in my life that I've ever drunk so much water in one day - and am well and truly back in ketosis - bring it on! :)

Heart to heart time follows -

Sorry I haven't been on much today, the cold is better but I am feeling pretty down - nothing that anyone can do to help, but my financial situation is pretty pants. I thought the bank would cover me until the flat is sold - but they said no, because I'm not earning. I've banked with them for 15 years so it's not very helpful...and I have just over two month's money left.

I think I'm doing everything I can to hear about jobs as they become available, I'm registered with over 12 agencies, I search online every morning, so I'm just going to have to keep plugging away, keep busy and hope things improve.

Phew, thanks for letting me unload! OK, no more whingeing - shoulders back, boobs up, tummy...ah well forget about the tummy... smile on face :)
Oh Suse... is there anything available until you find a job that you want? Supermarket? Pub? I know its not very exciting but would it help?
Oh sweetheart! I was in your situation a couple of years ago and never signed on or anything although I should have! I did crappy temp jobs that bored me silly but one came through a few months later saying as I'd worked there before they wanted to see me for something I'd never done before. I took it as there was nothing else on offer and progressed after the contract ended into yet another role I wasnt qualified for but they saw the potential and passion to do well. It's a total departure from what I did before bur so what? I'm happy :)
oh babes :( can you just temp doing admin or something whilst you still look? no luck setting your business back up?
Thanks lovelies, I knew you would cheer me up - and you're right, I'm going to make a big push tomorrow, will contact the Tesco next door, and will start contacting general agencies about admin work.

I just can't go on feeling so helpless like this - it has been a real rollercoaster the last few months, just keep bawling my eyes out and feeling so depressed - and that's not my style at all :)

Thx again and big hugs to you all x

Is it gin o'clock?
One gin down the hatch, and just applied for a PR temp role, not much £ but a sector I want to get in to.

Thanks again for the encouragement, we all need a gentle nudge from time to time :)
Thx hun, very kind of you - I can just imagine...

- tells rude jokes at will - check
- bossy and interrupts lots - check
- goes to bathroom a lot - check
- lazy and indolent - check

Hmm now where can I find a job like that? LOL