Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Morning Susie love.
Morning all

Hands up who is sick of this rain - ME! Woke up early (I know, unbelievable) to hear it clattering down...hurry up spring!

Thx again for the advice last night, been busy this morning looking at temp websites, will line up visits for tomorrow.

Hey hon :) morning...nearly afternoon!
yes im sick of it too. cant the girls out for walks and garden is muddy slop and dog poo slop - nasty!

get yourself ringing round and cvs sent. Have you registered with Hays online/Monster/Reed?
nope left the f8cking washing in the wash all night no wonder the washing machine stinks. she will put in drier then probably leave in there for a week too
p.s. 2 litres down pure water 4 loo trips ;)
I need a great loss this week to :) im sick of spending each week just losing the weight i put on over the weekend cos of alcohol and no water. so only drinking friday this week! really do think the water helps!
I am trying to be really good this week (gave in to brandy last night though) as I have a wedding on Saturday, whole day/night job so expect a lot of booze to be consumed. :D
I'm giving in to a couple of Malt whiskies this evening Bren.
Just had a lovely surprise, a dear friend of mine from Oz just rang! Haven't spoken to her for ages, but as always with good mates, it was like we'd spoken yesterday :)
AWW :) is she ok with the floods and stuff hon?