Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Thinking of you. x
Just back in the door, with not great news - the agency has hardly anything on its books. Had a good chat with the guy - who, bizarrely, I met at a party on Xmas Eve - and he told me the brutal truth, I am between a rock and a hard place, too overqualified for most of the assignments they get in. And Tescos has no vacancies either...oh well, will just keep plugging away...:(
oh b*llocks :( wouldnt they even put you in for something you are overqualified for ?
Nope, I tried that with an agency earlier today and they just wouldn't do it. But there were two senior media roles in the Guardian so have whacked in applications for those.

Oh and to really cheer me up, I heard this morning that the potential job I heard about before Xmas has disappeared (more public sector roles being frozen). :(
I know it must be terribly worrying for you. Have you got the flat up for sale? and waking up worrying is the worst babe. have you looked further afield you may have to move from london/the south?
Susie, ((big hugs)); stay positive and i hope something comes up for you soon
you might have to move north Suze ;)
That's a shame Susie. Ah well, keep searching.
ah dont bother with my oop north ones then.... bah :( :D :D