Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Good luck Susie (no you need to use different solicitors - clash of interests and all that malarky) hope the flat goes and the job comes to fruition :D
Evening all

I've had a mad idea and need your thoughts. What if I buy a (leasehold) business on the coast, like eg this cafe in Hastings Buy a Licensed Daytime Cafe In Hastings Town Centre business for sale on Businesses For Sale .com.

No commute, living by the sea and the potential to offer Atkins food as well as the usual cafe offering, decent coffee and accommodation.

Waddya reckon??? I have absolutely no idea of what's involved in buying and running a business but I'm sure there's someone out there who can tell me! :)

My inlaws ran a b & b 20 years ago and its incredibly hard work but I would still love to do it! But maybe in Spain where its nice and warm lol
Actually for a bed for the night I would come and do a free night lol
I have a relative who owns and runs two restaurants, but he worked his way up to that, starting out as a barman 20 years ago and doing every job in dozens of kitchens and front of house before buying his first place. And it's still really hard work.

But then not everybody learns like that. :) If you sold the flat for loads and had the money to risk then it would be a possibility, but IMO you might be better moving sideways to something related to your current career than taking a big leap into the unknown - during difficult times for everybody Susie.

Sorry to be a damp squib. I will of course support you all the way of you go for it, and it could be great. :)
Oh, and if you did Atkins food and it was a bit closer to me, I'd be there every day - that bit's genius. ;)
LOL you'll just have to move - and thx Clare, I appreciate your thoughts. I did work in a deli for a couple of years when I was at uni, so have some insight into what it entails - long days, without a doubt.

What attracts me is that I do now is so unstable and likely to stay that way - so a move into a similar sector (like marketing, etc) is impossible right now.

Maybe it won't be a cafe, I've also seen a newsagent that has good growth potential at Bexhill - and (apart from the early starts :eek:) I wouldn't need any specific expertise, and less licenses!
Ok Susie, as someone who has been there and done it - 2 years in a store and post office (I was sub-postmistress) we did papers, food, alcohol, ciggies and worked from early morning 6.30 ish to 9pm and then there was always paperwork to do afterwards, getting good reliable staff was horrendous, it was a 10 year plan and nearly split us up after 2 years so we sold it. You have to sacrifice a hell of a lot to run your own business, holidays being the first, we had to cancel one we sorely needed when the person who ran the shop while we were away fell ill the week before. That was the last straw after being targeted for being gay, (I know that would not affect you), shoplifted from (yes I know it happens everywhere but this was blatant), graffiti, previous owner having fiddled vat which impacted on us (and he was still our landlord which really rankled). Yes there were good points, good community spirit (only shop in the village) we increased turnover and profits despite never having done it before, sold it for a lot more than we bought it for.............but had no life.

If I had my chance again I would go for something with less hours, not open 7 days a week as we were (only Crimbo day off) and a cafe really appeals to me. Profits are much better on food too. Can I come and join you in the venture - 5 bedrooms is more than enough for 2. (not entirely joking here after today).
Oh that's soooooo helpful, Bren, thx hun x

There is a lot to think about, and I agree with you that I need to watch the hours, especially if it's on my own for a bit, depending on the existing profit levels - plus you, of course - plenty of room for both of you and the dog :)

I need to be sensible about the type of business, for example, there's a she repair/key cutting place for sale for £15K - but I couldn't see myself fixing shoes, I would be pants at it (even with training from the owners) :)

I'm going to go down to Hastings on Sunday and have a mooch around, see how many people are about on a rainy day and so on.
Had a few last night - but also got three viewings of the flat tomorrow, so want to be bright and sparky for that :)

Selling the flat is part of me thinking about a business - I can buy something leasehold outright, have no debts and money in the bank for contingencies.
I used to be a pub landlady & I'd come work for work for you. x
Nite xx I should go myself, big day tomorrow, not sure I will get on here but will give you all the skinny on Sunday :D don't miss me too much :D love and hugs to all of you
Night Bren and Susie - Bren have a fab day tomorrow, Susie, sell, sell, sell! x
Suz I love the cafe. fabtastic. and close to the college too . Do your atkins meals too make a mint!!!

best of luck today with the flat and am i being too nosey to ask for some piccies of it ;)