Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Lol I know ww! better than dog smell. HM did smell the other day but she had a bath in aussie hair care and smells lush now. Great thing bout Gabi and Grace is they never smell.

morning Susie :D
That smell of doggy is not nice is it.... I never understand why a house is left to smell doggy as just b'coz you have dogs doesn't make it acceptable, I know several people who have dogs & you couldn't tell when walking in their houses.

Hope yr logder has put the kiabosh on it for you.x

Morning all - oops it's afternoon! Got up at 6am but didn't quite make it out of bed :) Had one of those lovely lazy, have a cup of tea then read a book then drift off again kind of starts to the day :)

Gosh knows whether the tenant has jinxed the sale - hopefully not, and it's the location that the viewers said they really liked. I'm disappointed that she hasn't looked after the place a bit better - but I guess, once it's sold, that's not my problem any more.

How's everyone this morning?
Did you get a bond off her so you can get things mended?
Yes, I did, hun - I suppose it's to be expected - but she makes such a big fuss out of what her tenants (she owns two flats in Poland) do and don't do...very odd...
Afternoon Susie
Some great suggestions there, enjoy your list making!
Bugger about the flat, so annoying!

Hope everyone else is well and enjoying the weekend - I can't believe how much catching up I have to do after only one day away from you lot!!!!!
Night lovely Susie - off to bed so that I can function at stupid o'clock tomorrow! x
Afternoon all - and lovely to see you back, Jim :)

No, this isn't me just getting up, been up since 6am :eek: and rushing round doing lots of stuff - phew, all appointments done now though and I can relax with my favourite ladies.

Glad you liked Zen last night, Linz, I thought it was brilliant - read somewhere they are filming four more! Defo going to have to buy them :) There is the hint of Lovejoy about lovely Rufus :)
I was only away for a day Susie ;)