Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

Morning! I'll wait for a minute while you recover from the shock of seeing me here before midday :D

And thx Linz - I love Kirsty!

You all know I have a vivid imagination - but woke up at 6am this morning thinking about the cafe idea - you know, I really think it could work!

So time for a little market research with my favourite people :)

If a cafe offered you low carb food, what would be the top three things you'd like to see on the menu - entree, main and dessert?

Starter.. probably some sort of avocado and crab/prawn thingie.
Main - your belly pork ;) Dessert? dont know maybe ice cream? mim trifle?
make soups and loads of mims - could have a normal menu and a low carb menu with mim sarnies etc :) have specials like curry friday, cake monday etc etc
Thx hun. I'd probably think about just doing breakfast and lunches for the first year and then think about opening for dinner in year 2.

What about this -

All day breakfast
Toasted sandwiches - regular and Mim

Hot meals -

- two regular dishes - lasagne, shepherd's pie or fish and chips
- Atkins dishes - roasted pork belly with cabbage, chicken salad, bacon avocado and tomato salad, that sort of thing

- sugar free jelly/mousse
- cakes and cheesecake (I know, but needs must :))
- cheese board

Offer tea and coffee with double cream or unsweetened soya

yes sounds good. soups are good too cos sometimes people love a bowl of soup
ooo - dont forget cheeseburger pie - would be a favorite for all customers I bet!
How I wish somebody would open a low carb cafe near me! These are the things I would like to eat. In no particular order and just right off the top of my head.

Starters/mains - stilton and spinach melt in a little ramekin or a big bowl with side salad, (chicken) caesar salad with MiM croutons (if you want) and loads of bacon, chevre blanc grilled, with toasted nuts, on a toasted MiM or salad, any meat with cabbage and bacon on the side, steak with pepper cream sauce with celeriac chips, cauliflower cheese, sausages and celeriac mash, loads of possibilities for soups, yes I could go on forever...

Dessert - what you said above, especially a good cheese board with MiM crackers.

You're actually getting me all enthused now too! :)
These are all fantastic ideas, I knew you'd come up trumps for me, all of you! I'm going to type it up into a list right now (I do love lists).

The viewings went Ok - at least they all turned up! If any of them want it they have to apply to the housing association, and they pick one, so it's going to be a long process...

OMG the tenant has made a bit of a mess, red stains on the beech bench top (hard to do because it has four coats of varnish!), doors hanging off the wardrobe, the front of the washing machine has come off (where you put the powder), unbelievable! I would never treat my flat that way :( And (sorry Vicky and other dog lovers) it STANK of dog (she has a pug). The first viewer couldn't stand it and stayed about 5 minutes - and I think I might be allergic, sneezed a lot while I was there (going to make Crufts interesting) :)

As one of our resident veggies, what would you like to see on a cafe menu? Quorn sossies, Quorn chilli con carne, that sort of thing? I'm sure you will have much more adventurous ideas and I'd love to hear them :)

And how's this for a name - Mon Petit Chew - lol (OK it's a bit corny)
Oh gosh I never had a problem with Quorn and my veggie mate loves the stuff. Guess it depends on the individual.

It would just be nice to offer something apart from omelettes and baked potatoes :)
In a microwave. ;)

Two ingredients, just blue cheese (little) and spinach (loads) - layer, blitz the bejaypers out of it - snarf! I could eat it all day. Especially nice with a big bowl of lettuce on the side. Or I could see it with mim crackers.
that sounds lovely :) my house doesnt smell of dog it smells of roast meat most of the time pmsl!
that sounds lovely :) my house doesnt smell of dog it smells of roast meat most of the time pmsl!

And you don't even notice it, do you Vicky? We were out of the house for a couple of hours today, and when I walked back in to the kitchen, it reeked of the lamb, and pate I had made earlier! totally yumcious of course, but you don't smell it as you go along! ;)